Future Fake News:

In a surprise development, President Biden has changed his mind about appointing a black woman to the Supreme Court.

"Ya know, Jack," said the President, "I got to thinking that I need to appoint someone who appeals to Mr. Average American and that is Ted Cruz. My first thought was that Heidi Cruz would be an ideal candidate but the Senator advised us that his wife, though a lawyer, is too physically repulsive to pass muster with The Master. Another strong possibility was Ron Jeremy, known for his Apollonian looks and ability to self-fellate, both key talents for a potential Justice.

But in the end, I have decided that the Best Possible Candidate is a very large and colorful loogie from Senator Cruz's nose. I am convinced that Justice Booger will be a valuable asset to the Court, being the first bodily effluent to serve on SCOTUS (with the exception of Justice Kavanaugh, of course.)"

The Next Day:

Followers of the Supreme Court nomination drama were shocked to learn that Ted Cruz, in a moment of absent-minded pica, accidentally devoured his own favored nominee.

The nose-treasure in question, described as long, elastic, and largely emerald-colored, was eulogized in Senator Cruz's moving words:

"I sure do like green snot and ham.I really like it Q you am.I like to eat it on a spoon.I like to eat it in Cancun.I like to lick it off a goat,I like to suck it down my throat.I like to eat it spread on Spam,I love, I Iove it Q you am."

A spokesperson for once-and-future president Trump, although unable to comment in any coherent terms on the Supreme Court controversy, verified the personal unattractive qualities of Mrs. Cruz in "terms that cannot be repeated in a family publication."

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“…as well as bitterness over attempts to correct for those discriminatory hiring practices.” In any case where a Black man is hired over a bunch of white men, whether it is an attempt to correct historical bias and injustice in hiring practices or not, many of those men will assume that it was an “affirmative action” hire and every one of them will be angry that the Black man took “his” job. It allows for white men to assume that the system is rigged against them and that they are the ones being discriminated against. Case in point? Cancun Cruz and his ilk.

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This guy. I don't want to do violence to him, but can I just JorJor him into a dream of nonexistence?

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Put the bastard in a sack, throw the sack in a river, and hurl the river into space.

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Ted Cruz pulls into a poorly lit gas station off of a rural Texas highway, sees several burly guys in MAGA hats standing by the pumps, pulls quickly back onto the highway to take his chances with the desert.

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Also, if any Republican hacks brings up Janice Rodgers Brown, an extremely conservative Black female judge as proof Biden is the real racist, the only questions should be this.Why didn't you bring up the fact Biden and Democrats had no issue when Allyson Duncan was nominated to the 4th Circuit?Maybe because she wasn't a right wing hack who made clear her political options guided her rulings like Brown was, a key reason Democrats including Biden opposedAlso telling that during the rest of the W years and Trump years, not a single Black woman was nominated for anything Circuit courts.Kinda says it all on how the majority of non-White folks think about Originalism and other bullshit Federalist Society theories doesn't it?

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oh, just fuck off, Ted.

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I defy anyone to convince me that Thomas and Coney Barrett weren’t chosen specifically to slap their immediate predecessor (or their memory) in the face.

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Very nice of Rafael Cruz to speak up for white people and all, but why aren't we just ignoring this shit, have the President pick a nominee, and then proceed to put her on the court? The Amy Coathanger timetable for this was like, what--two weeks?

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We must have learned by now that whatever Biden says, they will say the opposite regardless of what their own position is. If Biden said, I'll seat a White man from Texas, Cruz would condemn him immediately, with Candace Owens at his side, etc etc.

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I can never see this too many timeshttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It’s been argued that we’re seeing a world-wide increase in right-wing authoritarianism specifically because the generation which most recently had to fight right-wing authoritarianism is dying off.

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Lipstick kiss???? (downthread a little)


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Reagan came right out and said he picked Scalia because he was Italian.

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OT: I’m taking the time to block the porn bots…on the other hand my upvotes are getting lots bigger. 🥴

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