Louie Gohmert, duct tape, just sayin'.

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Similar to cornhole?

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Ted wants to know if every guy calls out, "Mommy!!" when having an orgasm.

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Ricochet Rabbit?

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I would not, could not, with a Palin

Just the thought of it makes Mr Winky get all scared and try to hide.

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Show chlamydia some love already!

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Russian Ted?? Canadian and Commie?

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Ive heard that as many as 75% of adults have it. It just manifests differently based upon the individual, so some people have little to no symptoms ( i fall into that category). Im happily married to a woman who also has it, not really a big deal, just an inconvenience.

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Ted Cruz in a Boy Scout den leader uniform is so creepy it sends shivers through me.

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You sound like me searching from furniture at Ikea. "What's the thing called again? Amishkaboogerhoffen? Ubershmenkenvlad? Fuck it, let's just get some meatballs..."

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As you point out, though, the child's role model is Big Mamma Pharma. What could be better?

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People who are or were in the military at non-com level are the only people with the expertise to judge the quality and skills of the civilian Commander in Chief. For example, someone of the rank of lieutenant - say, John Kerry - should be reviled.

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We can see Russia from the west coast.

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"That is, if we’re to believe the Grizzly Mama’s claim that he 'wanted nothing to do with either Bristol’s pregnancy or the baby...'”

In English, just what does that mean? If he didn't want anything to do with her pregnancy then he wouldn't have done the dirty deed with her.

Meanwhile - Where's Todd?

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