The problem being in so many red States like Tennessee and West Virginia is there's a complete and total lack of bootstraps for people to pull themselves up by. If you're lucky you can get a job at both McDonald's and KFC.
I lived in Nashville for a year and a half. What did I get out of it?
1. I hate tourists. For a city that depends so much on tourist dollars, Nashville had the most fucked-up interstate system as far as helping out-of-town drivers navigate. From March through November, that was a reality of the daily commute.
2. I hated the weather. Nashville sits in a bowl surrounded by hills of vegetation that hold all the moisture in. In the summer, it rained every day at 4:30, and, at 4:45, steam rose off the sidewalks.
3. I don't care how bigoted it makes me sound, coming from the north, everyone speaking with a southern accent sounds stupid to me. 9 times out of 10, what was coming out of their mouths only reinforced that impression.
4. The first thing country stars do when they get money is build ungodly houses for themselves and their family members. Minnie Pearl lived next door to the Governor's Mansion, and her place made the Gov's place look like a fuckin' hovel.
5. The Jack Daniels' distillery tour is the bomb. The scenery's gorgeous, there's a life-size bronze sculpture of Jack Daniels with big clown shoes because when they cast it with his actual-sized feet, it kept falling over, and they take you to the top of the mash tanks where you can take in several deep breaths and get a grade A buzz. Plus, they'll provide postcards and mail them for you to anyone in the world you happen to have an address for.
6. With the exception of certain artists, I hate country music even more than id did before I moved to Nashville because of the culture it's steeped in. I came from Cleveland. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. A major step up, in my opinion, from my dog died, my girl left me, but everything might be better if I got someone inferior to despise.
for years now, the rightwing orthodoxy on homelessness is that it, too, is a "lifestyle choice", and therefore society need do nothing for them, just move them on if they get in the way, or if you feel like persecuting someone who can't fight back.
I wouldn't expect Senator Nicely to know, and certainly not to check it out, but Hitler wanted to be an artist and his application to the Vienna Academy was rejected. He was turned down by the school of architecture too, on account of lacking a school leaving certificate. (He'd been a mediocre slacker and dropped out.) Maybe that's where he formed the habit of blaming other people. Some time later he decided, "Maybe politics ... being mediocre is no disadvantage there, and there's a lot of resentment in the country to exploit ..." The rest is ghastly history.
They pine for the days when Hitler was accepted by mainstream America, including being Time Magazine's Man of the Year, and they could all say n-----r, n------r, n-----r all day to their pustulent little hearts content with none to say them nay. Also, they could knock the "little woman" around as much as they liked, because wives had no recourse. And let us not forget that old favorite pastime of the mean and stupid, fag-bashing.
Tennessee lawmaker and legendary star of Musikalische Komödien, State Senator Niceley Niceley is best remembered for the hit show Goys and Pols.
Who could forget the hilarious line, "Hitler was innocent as is proved by his record: Six million war crimes, no convictions."
The Senator got the unforgettable eleven o'clock number:
♫ I dreamed last night I was sending Jews to Dachau,And by some chance had a beer stein in my fist.And I thought, "How sad, little Adolf living homeless."But the Corporal was bound to persist.
And I said to myself, "Stand up, stand up,And bring on the Reich."I said to myself, "Stand up,This Reich you're certain to like.
If the RAF bombs you under,You can crawl out of craters and take a hike.Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.
Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.Stand uuuuuuuupppppppp
Right! The upshot seems to be that homelessness is a good testing ground to become a great historical figure like Hitler! People are still talking about Hitler in this day and age - that means he must've done something right, doesn't it??
Remember when Bob Dole talked about Hideo Nomo of the Brooklyn Dodgers! It wasn't because he was old and out of touch, it was because he didn't care about anything but politics.
The problem being in so many red States like Tennessee and West Virginia is there's a complete and total lack of bootstraps for people to pull themselves up by. If you're lucky you can get a job at both McDonald's and KFC.
Strawberry Plains Forever.
I lived in Nashville for a year and a half. What did I get out of it?
1. I hate tourists. For a city that depends so much on tourist dollars, Nashville had the most fucked-up interstate system as far as helping out-of-town drivers navigate. From March through November, that was a reality of the daily commute.
2. I hated the weather. Nashville sits in a bowl surrounded by hills of vegetation that hold all the moisture in. In the summer, it rained every day at 4:30, and, at 4:45, steam rose off the sidewalks.
3. I don't care how bigoted it makes me sound, coming from the north, everyone speaking with a southern accent sounds stupid to me. 9 times out of 10, what was coming out of their mouths only reinforced that impression.
4. The first thing country stars do when they get money is build ungodly houses for themselves and their family members. Minnie Pearl lived next door to the Governor's Mansion, and her place made the Gov's place look like a fuckin' hovel.
5. The Jack Daniels' distillery tour is the bomb. The scenery's gorgeous, there's a life-size bronze sculpture of Jack Daniels with big clown shoes because when they cast it with his actual-sized feet, it kept falling over, and they take you to the top of the mash tanks where you can take in several deep breaths and get a grade A buzz. Plus, they'll provide postcards and mail them for you to anyone in the world you happen to have an address for.
6. With the exception of certain artists, I hate country music even more than id did before I moved to Nashville because of the culture it's steeped in. I came from Cleveland. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. A major step up, in my opinion, from my dog died, my girl left me, but everything might be better if I got someone inferior to despise.
Yeah (recent rant above), Dolly's cool. Dollywood didn't exist when I was down there.
Fear of Jewish Space Lasers, I'm guessin'.
Little-known fact: Hitler spent several years living in a tar paper lean-to on the southern border of Tennessee.
And yet, through a combination of all-American grit and pulling up his leather britches, he rose to become famous in history books, whatever they are.
The less you know.
for years now, the rightwing orthodoxy on homelessness is that it, too, is a "lifestyle choice", and therefore society need do nothing for them, just move them on if they get in the way, or if you feel like persecuting someone who can't fight back.
I wouldn't expect Senator Nicely to know, and certainly not to check it out, but Hitler wanted to be an artist and his application to the Vienna Academy was rejected. He was turned down by the school of architecture too, on account of lacking a school leaving certificate. (He'd been a mediocre slacker and dropped out.) Maybe that's where he formed the habit of blaming other people. Some time later he decided, "Maybe politics ... being mediocre is no disadvantage there, and there's a lot of resentment in the country to exploit ..." The rest is ghastly history.
They pine for the days when Hitler was accepted by mainstream America, including being Time Magazine's Man of the Year, and they could all say n-----r, n------r, n-----r all day to their pustulent little hearts content with none to say them nay. Also, they could knock the "little woman" around as much as they liked, because wives had no recourse. And let us not forget that old favorite pastime of the mean and stupid, fag-bashing.
Tennessee lawmaker and legendary star of Musikalische Komödien, State Senator Niceley Niceley is best remembered for the hit show Goys and Pols.
Who could forget the hilarious line, "Hitler was innocent as is proved by his record: Six million war crimes, no convictions."
The Senator got the unforgettable eleven o'clock number:
♫ I dreamed last night I was sending Jews to Dachau,And by some chance had a beer stein in my fist.And I thought, "How sad, little Adolf living homeless."But the Corporal was bound to persist.
And I said to myself, "Stand up, stand up,And bring on the Reich."I said to myself, "Stand up,This Reich you're certain to like.
If the RAF bombs you under,You can crawl out of craters and take a hike.Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.
Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.Stand up, stand up, stand up,Stand up, and bring on the Reich.Stand uuuuuuuupppppppp
And yet when actual fascism popped up from the moneyed class, y'all embraced it gladly, whole-heartedly, and without reservation.
Kinda makes me think your arguement is a bit specious, good sir. Kinda...
Even Robert E. Fucking Lee didn't falsely brag about being homeless, even after he was kicked out of Arlington.
(Not an endorsement of Robert E. Fucking Lee.)
Right! The upshot seems to be that homelessness is a good testing ground to become a great historical figure like Hitler! People are still talking about Hitler in this day and age - that means he must've done something right, doesn't it??
There were probably some looks exchanged amongst them that would be super fun to find video of.
The "stabbed in the back" nonsense is so rich because the Armistice prevented Germany from being invaded and occupied.
Remember when Bob Dole talked about Hideo Nomo of the Brooklyn Dodgers! It wasn't because he was old and out of touch, it was because he didn't care about anything but politics.