And guess which seditionist in PA thinks this is such a good idea he wants to do the same?

Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science


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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

Unfortunately this has nothing to do with mind-control chemicals, and everything to do with climate-change denial. While atmospheric engineering is at best of questionable efficacy, by allowing people to try it you are basically admitting that climate change exists. By banning it altogether you can stick your head in the sand. Which is pretty much the GOP platform.

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Ta, Robyn. Chemtrails? Oh, FFS!

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> ...intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances...

So airplanes can no longer fly over Tennessee? Plane engine exhaust is made of chemicals*, and engines release that exhaust quite intentionally.

* Like every other substance on Earth.

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I spent four years in the desert oasis of Tecopa, CA. The citizenry generally believed in chemtrails, but they saw them as benevolent. Related to climate change. No clouds in the sky meant higher temperatures, and it's already deadly hot out there on the edge of Death Valley. The gummint replaces the missing clouds with chemtrails to lessen the UV rays! See? Nothing sinister about it!

I didn't share this delusion.

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Harvard did literal chemtrail experiments using balloons over Marana AZ to see if sulfate aerosols were effective at reflecting insolation.

Not a lot of reporting about it at the time, which surprised me because there were definitely a lot of chemtrail weirdos out there.

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So you're saying my fellow desert denizens weren't daft after all?

I am disappoint.

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The thing that stands out to me is that Kylie Jenner has a "15 minute drive to work". What, from one end of the compound to the other? Also, work?

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Those glaring typos is what sold me on it.

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It's a great thing that there are no real problems happening right now in the state, allowing the government time and resources to address these niche "problems" that are definitely based on more than someone huffing too much gasoline, right? Right?

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Maybe they could regulate emitting things out of tail pipes that change weather patterns? You think we could get them to all sign a climate bill by pretending it refers to chemtrails? Or just enforce it that way?

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I would take it even further and say START MAKING REALLY SMART PEOPLE FAMOUS, FFS!!!

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

I have a button on my backpack that says 'stop making stupid people famous' because oh lordy, do we elevate stupidity!

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It's all about that lowest common denominator. I blame a lot of this crap on "reality" TV. I know that makes me sound like an old ass biddy, but IDGAF. Lol

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Lol, own it! I will join you in sounding like a biddy!

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Oh lord not this chemtrail bullshit again. I wish one of those idiots would talk to an amateur astronomer, one of the first things we learn is using contrails to judge atmospheric moisture which greatly affects “seeing “ conditions that night. Long hanging contrails mean lots of moisture and turbulent seeing, short to none is much better. The whole thing is just the stupidest conspiracy theory ever.

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Entire Tennessee state Senate yells at cloud. Where's your god now, Memphis?

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OT. The missing student was found in the river.

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Tennessee's legislature and Kylie Jenner are of equal rank on the Idiot Quotient Scale of idiots.

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I'll take some of that Xanax air, you know...if it's up for grabs!

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Damn right there are better ways of compromising our bodily fluids! They've been fluoridating our ice cream for years! "Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream!!" 🍦🍨

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Sooooo Fuckinggggg Dumbbbbbbb.....the Stupid, IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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