These guys are without honor.


(Yes, that's Gabrielle Union.)

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Unfortunately, I do not have a suit. I have a kilt, though -- is that close enough?

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here is a solid argument for placing it in the criterion collection: https://www.stitcher.com/po...

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Powerful, entitled, rich, horrible people like SC are simply celebrating the renaissance of the 1950s that is the Trump era. The pendulum always swings back and forth. Given how disgusting these years are, we are due for some serious progress.

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There is no pendulum. These assholes got into power because too many of us dropped the ball in 2010, 2014, and 2016, not because there is any law of the cosmos that pre-ordained their rise.

Nor is their fall pre-ordained. They go down if we collectively fight back hard enough, and even then, only maybe. We are not "due" for some serious progress; we get that serious progress if and only if we work very hard.

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Oh, FFS.

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I agree - it is potentially very dangerous to assume we are due a pendulum swing back to the left. I believe many of the actions made by the GOP from years back are made to assure this does not and cannot happen.

I'm not sure exactly what their ultimate goal is and who it eventually benefits, but they seem determined to get there.

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My apologies, but what does having a diverse working place have to do with the racism going on at said working place?I have worked in very diverse situations! And some, specifically middle managers, were still racist as fuck, even though half the work force were POC.

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If you ever read Atlas Shrugged- that is their ultimate goal.

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More sandy blond, really

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I've yet to read it. I suppose I need to - or get the Scholastic Books comic book version, at least.

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Not funny enough for SNL...Talk about a low bar!

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The people who employ him and sign (or not) his paycheck can easily control it.

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"I can't speak for sexism because I'm not a woman."

That's funny... quite a lot of women spoke up for YOU when you were harassed, Terry, even though they don't have danglies to have been groped. They were able to relate their own experiences to yours, and to offer support and belief to you when others turned against you.

Next time, how about going with "well, as a man, I didn't directly experience the same kind of sexism she described, but I believe her."

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Yes. And they did nothing.

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