and 1/100th of the world's greatest deliberative body too!

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it's not desperation- that would require too much actual critical thinking and at least a passing familiarity with reality. What we're seeing is nothing more than the chaos of a GOP that has completely lost control of the helm to their lunatic fringe. These lunatics really do believe their nonsense and they've managed to completely marginalize the thinking wing of their party to the point that no one even hears the gasps of horror at the utter stupidity coming out of these people's mouths. Those that can actually see this slow motion train wreck have been reduced to the role of modern day Cassandra- none of the true believers want to hear the warnings so they don't...

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That must be an ancient demographic of Texas Q-Tips that he's pandering to, because I expect that 90% of voters under the age of 50 would laugh this nitwit off of the stage.

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"Texas Dingbat"

You're being redundant...

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So, making the observation that since the law is not necessarily what the text says but what the Supreme Court says it means, and that this tends to empower the rich at the expense of the poor, makes one a communist now, does it?

Today, we are all communists.

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Yes, but apparently he had no friends.

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Dear Ted

The 1950's called, they want their red baiting back...

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I suppose if he was speaking in code, it might explain why it all sounds like nonsense.

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Silly Smurf, all Commies are Jooz, and vice-versa!

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The Repubicans have nothing left. They're throwing a Hail Mary pass with this McCarthy stuff. Desperation is ugly to watch. Pass the popcorn please.

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the scary part is how many drooling wingnuts out there actually believe that sort of sophomoric nonsense. Yes Bubba, those elitist perfessors who are currently benefiting immensely from the current system and are living far beyond your wingtard dreams thanks to it want nothing more than to kill the golden goose and bring the whole thing down because they hate you for your freedumbz.

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And that he never raised taxes nor granted amnesty to illegal immigrants nor signed restrictive gun legislation into law.

Basically they pretty much want to forget almost everything he actually did as President.

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<i>"he accused the Harvard Law School of harboring a dozen Communists on its faculty"</i>

Did he claim to have a list of names in his pocket?

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Alan West: The Torch Has Been Passed.

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Ted Cruz is more stupid than his opposition David Dewhurst. For the teahadists, they all felt that Cruz was more conservative. That may be true by I've enjoyed more intelligent conversations with the waste from my cat's litter box than Cruz. He's a dipshit and will fold like a house of cards if asked anything from an intellectual perspective. Overall, the perfect person to represent a fair number of Texans.

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