Texas Ex From Hell Wants To Sue His Former Girlfriends' Friends Over Her Colorado Abortion
Better hope all your exes don't live in Texas, is all I'm saying.
Once again, the exact thing we said was going to happen, vis-à-vis the horrific Texas legislation allowing people to sue anyone who “aids and abets” an abortion, is happening.
At some point this year, a Texas woman made the decision to run off to Colorado to seek an abortion in order to avoid giving birth to the purported child of one Collin Davis. Given what we know about this Collin Davis character, this is the smartest possible decision she could have made, as having his child would have meant being chained to him for life in some capacity — and he sure seems like a goddamned nightmare.
In February, when Davis found out that she was considering this, he immediately retained Jonathan Mitchell, who is the architect of the Texas law and also the absolute spitting image of Robert, the haunted Edwardian-era doll who destroys the lives of Florida tourists who disrespect him.
Mitchell then sent her a “legal threat” meant to keep her from having the abortion. It did not work (thank goodness).
Now that his ex has had the abortion, Collin and Mitchell are still hoping to ruin her life by filing a petition to investigate her and anyone he believes aided and abetted her in getting the abortion.
Via Washington Post:
In the Davis case, Mitchell is attempting to depose the woman who had the abortion, along with several other people he writes may be “complicit” in the abortion. If deposed, they would be asked about others involved in the abortion, including any abortion funds or any other entities that provided financial support, according to court records. They would also have to provide all documentation relevant to the abortion.
“Mr. Davis expects to be able to better evaluate the prospects for legal success after deposing [the people listed], and discovering the identity of their co-conspirators and accomplices,” Mitchell wrote in the complaint, which he filed on March 22.
He is able to do this because of Texas’s Rule 202, which allows for an investigation prior to filing a lawsuit.
Davis, who we don’t know isn’t related somehow to Texas oil tycoon Cullen Davis who allegedly killed his stepdaughter and attempted to have his soon-to-be-ex-wife and the judge in their divorce proceedings killed, is clearly just trying to continue to exercise control over his ex and everyone she knows — because that is what men like him do. That is, in fact, exactly why it was a good idea for her to have an abortion.
He’s not the first man to try and pull this either. In March of last year, a man named Marcus Silva was also represented by Jonathan Mitchell. Silva was very open — at least to his ex — about the fact that he was using the threat of the lawsuit to force her to continue having sex with him and cleaning his house.
MARCUS SILVA: You’re not considering what can happen to you if I continue to do this sh*t for the next 40 years.
BRITTNI SILVA: Marcus, I’m not gonna be f*cking blackmailed into having sex with you.
MARCUS SILVA: Then you’re just gonna have your f*cking life destroyed in every f*cking way that you can imagine to where you want to blow your f*cking brains out.
What a peach!
So far, we haven’t heard from Collin Davis’s ex, but I think we can all be pretty sure that when we do, she’ll likely have a very similar story to tell. Any man who would sue his ex’s friends and family over helping her get an abortion is at least psychologically abusive.
I’ve always found the “Let’s do Lysistrata!” thing extremely cringe, as we no longer really live in a society in which women are regularly sexually involved with men who hold diametrically opposite views to them and also have any particular power to change anything. Like, it is unclear what a woman going on a sex strike from their equally antiwar or pro-abortion rights partner, who has no more political power than she does, would actually accomplish. It also presumes that all women share the same opinions on things and that sex is a favor they do for men. I could go on about this for a bit, but I will spare you.
What I will say, however, is that if I lived in Texas (I would not live in Texas), I would be getting me to a convent, because there is no way in hell that I would trust any man in that state to not try to ruin my life if we broke up and I needed to get an abortion. Absolutely not, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else either.
I just found out that someone I know who is approximately my age and is not fantastically memory impaired (she's a practicing attorney) does not know and honestly believes she has never heard the song Head Like A Hole.
I am all the flummoxed.
This country must, and I mean must, restore the rights lost in Roe v. Wade.
If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. It's that simple.
Also, let women use birth control if they want.
No one has to use birth control if they don't want to.
Just let women keep their own bodies safe, and life will be a lot better for a whole lot of people.