More like a probability.

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Miles Davis and Cannonball Adderley LI— wait.

Right, never mind.

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It depends, is the suspect blah?

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Marijuana, being fat soluble, stays in the system for six to eight weeks after ingestion. Have the mental giants in Texas devised a new test that can determine how recently said maryjane was ingested and just don't share these new testing technologies with the rest of the world?

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Well, we are talking about Texas public officials. If they can't keep a college-educated, professional woman arrested for a minor traffic violation alive for three whole days, what makes you think they can deal with anything as intricate as text messaging?

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It's like the cop in SC who shot the guy in the back and planted his taser. If someone hadn't filmed the whole thing with his phone, everyone would have bought his story without a second thought.

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The cops let news people in her cell, and the trash can had a garbage bag in it. So, the first thing they do after someone hangs themselves with a garbage bag is replace the garbage bag so the press won't pillory the police?

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Sorry. There's only losers in this one.

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Were you irritated? Because that seems to be a big factor in how these things play out.

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It does put to rest the belief that cops have a quota system for traffic stops. In the time he messed around with Sandra Bland, he could have ticketed three, maybe four, black drivers.

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I think we need to go all Jade Helm on the Waller County Sheriff's Department.

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Her and Eric Garner.

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When I was about middle school age and got in trouble my father would do this routine with me. When he could see that I was steamed and considered my punishment to be unfair, he would ask why I was upset. If I answered honestly, I would usually get slapped for back-talking, and always got some sort of additional punishment. It was crazy stupid on both our parts, he knew I was upset and trying to hold my tongue and yet he would bait me into saying something he knew he didn't want to hear.

I tell this story, because this is exactly what this cop did to Sandra Bland. She was upset and he baited her into complaining, then used that to escalate the situation to the point where he felt justified in abusing and arresting her. It was another stupid abuse of power to humiliate a person he had no reason to be attacking.

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I think I may have posted this image around 90 times in the last week or so...

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Hugs and best wishes. Stay POed, we have much work to do.

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