War on Christmas just got real, man! Now they're countering our formerly unstoppable Jesus bombs with review panels! Our cardbines have been rendered ineffective and our ho-ho-ho-witzers can't penetrate that kind of armor!

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You'd think having an omnipotent god in your corner, you wouldn't need a fuckstick like Todd Starnes to actually have to <i>bend the truth</i> in order to win people over to "your side."

Good going, Todd. You're doing your part to help the christianists lose a war that exists even less than their deity!

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Wait til Fox finds out that, thanks to that commie Roosevelt, veterans get federally managed, publicly funded health care <i>for the rest of their lives</i>!11!!!1!

Veterans: stealing jobs from the private sector since 1930.

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After all, this is the only one of the world's main religions whose central, defining image is of hideous torture and whose entire reason for existing is based on the idea of being persecuted.

Are we at all surprised that a) they still long for the good old pure days when they could be persecuted without having to do something douchey first to merit it; and b) that they are world-class persecutors of everyone else?

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The tears of little Christian children are what make them so tasty.

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You have my $5.99, sir.

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No room at the inn? AGAIN?

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Dad? Is that you?

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Competitive Christianity. Why the fuck not?

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This may not be helping, but anyhow. My mom died in '96. She was a demented pain in the ass for several years before her death. I wish I had treated her better.

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Now, this is the kind of homey story I like to hear on my Wonket. Well done.

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In this case, the VA is, you know, <i>asking</i> vets whether they are "thin-skinned" or not. They may be a little more sensitive than you, because, you know, being disabled and hospitalized.

Also, you are confusing <i>accepting</i> possibly mis-fired well-wishes with <i>permitting the insistent presentation</i> of such inappropriate wishes without concern for the feelings of the intended recipient.

Although I'm pretty much an atheist these days, I was raised Presbyterian, and I respect the Christian mythos. If someone wishes me "Merry Christmas", I respond in kind. If someone wishes me "Happy Holidays", ditto. But I'm not confined to a hospital bed, potentially subject to pointless religious greetings from people I don't know, and who don't know me. Unless you are, I don't think you should be judging the correct thickness of American skin.

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Reading between the [first and third] <strike>lines</strike> sentences has a definite liberal bias.

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I don't see ANYthing in the Constitution about sensitivity to <b>wrong</b> religions.


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Way to bring down our Boxing Day celebrations, Ms. Wonkette.

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Fox is just catering to their "Fools for Jesus" demographic. 'Tis the season.

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