Substitute any of the A-states there. Alaska, Arkansas, Alabama. They're all Arizonas with less sand.

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that's a good point...maybe I should have said "uglier", but your is still valid.

Be that as it may, my woman is on her way here and we're going to do fun things this evening.

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jesus christ on a peppermint stick.

jesus christ.

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with lara logan story today officially sucks worse than hitler and i am just going to loop videos of larry the cat coming home to 10 downing street.

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Not a day goes by where I don't get some new information that the US is turning into an ugly fucking country.

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we are positively drowning in a sea of really really terrible news stories from america today.

well except the fat tasered scooter thief.

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Is this the guy who dresses all the prisoners in pink? Kinky.

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Very high cliff = Reality

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I think he would need to clear up that legal mess and go to prison first and then he could become Senator. Also, he hasn't crashed an airplane or embezzled a bank yet so maybe, yes, if he works real hard for a couple of more years. Pay attention Bristol.

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I'm hearing AZ wants to make it illegal to give medical treatment to people who can't prove they're in USA legally. "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, two forms of ID." The ostensible purpose is because illegals cost hospitals by not paying their bills. Legal residents and citizens do that too. How about a law that makes it illegal to treat ANYONE who can't show ability to pay? Anyway, if passed, AZ legislature is a Death Panel.

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