fuck to the yeah!

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Hope you got some sleep. If you have a leak in a car tire they run it through a water tank, the bubbles reveal the leak.

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I'm supposed to be off it for a full month because: Sallie Mae the Ulcer needs to die.

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I slept well, thanks. I do the same thing with inflatable items - but I use the bathtub or a friend's swimming pool. I just wish there was a way to tell in advance, when selecting a kitten, that it is going to be spitting up fur balls weekly for the next 18 years. Some do, some don't. There is no water test for this.

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Grab Them By the Octopussy

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Naw. A Trump production would be penned by Joe Eszterhaus (I'm honestly surprised the administration hasn't already hired him as chief speechwriter.)

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From Ynet link above- seems there were documents "about specific highly secret American operation in Iran." were part of the docs Snowden made off with, and, interestingly, Iran now has some of those details.

"The Americans are convinced that Edward Snowden handed the information over to the Russian intelligence – as part of the deal for receiving political asylum – and that parts of it were handed over to Tehran as part of Putin’s policy to increase Iranian dependence... on Moscow"

Why? Putin wants to be top dog again.

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4-1 odds.I found several odds given which together implied his chance of winning was ~19%. This would imply we had a higher chance of a trump victory then we would of eating a bullet in Russian roulette. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... from http://metro.co.uk/2016/11/...

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Not implying you don't understand but to be clear, these are betting odds and imply he is more likely to not be impeached. Normally i would say the odds of rolling a 6 are "1 to 5" or "1 out of 6" where as the betting odds would be "5 to 1" (assuming a nonprofit bookie)

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over it! at least I get coffee. and some fun medications.

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Subject and verb should agree, so what you really mean is "elderly senile cats who DON'T read email half the time".

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Wait! You mean Chick Todd won't be on this like ticks on a dog?

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Pence scares the living crap out of me!

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That's a saving grace at least.

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Trump and the current CEO of the National Enquirer, David Pecker (I kid you not) have been good friends for some years. Trump has actually written a few articles for the Enquirer in the past few years, including during the 2016 campaign. Here's part of one from 2011, when he was promoting himself for a possible run for the presidency (this is more proof that Trump has no ability to change and won't become "presidential"):

"Even in elementary school, I was an assertive, aggressive kid.

"In the second grade, I punched my music teacher in the eye because I didn’t think he knew anything about music!

"I'm not proud of that, but it's clear evidence that even early on I had a tendency to make my opinions known in a forceful way. The difference now is that I use my brains instead of my fists!

"As an adolescent, I was mostly interested in creating mischief. For some reason, I liked to stir things up and test people. I'd throw water balloons, shoot spitballs and make a ruckus in the schoolyard and at birthday parties."

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