Betty Boop from 1933. It's your hed gif source! Plus party info!


ETA: Linda let me know that there was a problem commenting this morning. One of the settings on this post was set incorrectly (it happens, there's a lot to check when publishing these!), so I fixed it and now EVERYBODY should be able to get on here and comment to their heart's content. Well, you could anyway if comments were allowed ;-)

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My spouse *became* Betty Boop for the Sitges festival a bunch of years ago. Of course, she had the expert costuming and make-up ministrations of an enormous swarm of drag queens.

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A swarm of drag queens helping me primp sounds like heaven!

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OMG, how fun! Would love to do that.

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I love these old B/W cartoons! Here's one with musical accompaniment.

Hell - Squirrel Nut Zippers


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I love Betty Boop, almost as much as I love you, Martini and Rebecca! 💕

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Awwwwwwww, Betty

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Only a few weeks ago I helped someone celebrate their birthday. They have wanted a Betty Boop tattoo for awhile but had balked at the price tag for a VERYNICE and VISUALLYSTUNNING one.

So I went with them to the parlor and used my debit card to make them a little bit happier on their 68th birthday.

(Honestly paying for the tat is the easy part! I won't creep you out with any description of the artwork as it healed under the transpaent "bandage". YIKES!)

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Kindness makes the whole world a better place!

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That is simply just too entirely delightful!

You are a wonderful human being who definitely made a 68th birthday a cherished occasion.

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Even her grandkids whistled some approval for me!

(they also TOOK PICTURES of the Incredible Healing Muck before the ritual unveiling and cleaning up the mess party!)

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That is simply an epitome of excellence!

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OK everyone, mutiny is cancelled. Please return your belaying pins and cutlasses to the appropriate receptacles.

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Damn. I was hoping to make Mutiny Monday a thing.

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Worldle had Pitcairn Island as its country a few weeks back, so mutiny is on my mind. (It's where the crew of the Bounty settled after setting Bligh and hte officers adrift, unless I have that backward. Population is way under 100.)

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It is basically hell on earth.

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They're also incestuous pedophile rapists

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Sounds like a real tropical paradise. /bitter sarcasam

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Hey! I paid good money to rent this cutlass!

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Maybe you can get your deposit back?

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Betamax didn't say anything about returning cutlads.

With a little feminism you, too, could keep your sword for occasional (strictly necessary) mutinies, riots and dismemberments.

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[sighs] We never get to mutiny anymore. :(

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hey happy belated birthday, mate!

have another fun trip around the sun!

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Thanks Martini!

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Your tab gif made my morning! <3

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Yay for TABZ gif - Best ever! Loved the ‘candle’ lighting -

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Nobody did spooky like the Fleischer Brothers. I'm pretty sure that nobody does parties like Becca.

Wish I could come. My family has strong ties to Detroit.

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I like the cat scooping out the pumpkins.

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I had a cat that liked to eat pumpkin guts. Just a few bites.

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Me too. I wish ours were that helpful.

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Ah Kiefer, my second favourite 80’s blond. If you guessed James Spader in #1 position, here’s a cookie!🍪

Honestly, though I married a Duckie myself, I didn’t lust after either Duckie or Blaine in Pretty in Pink. I have always been a Spader gal.

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I have zero explanation for Shaun King. Nada. Not even an ism.

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"BRB gotta buy some black vodka. Halloween potluck ideas"

Also, some ( allegedly ) Halloween drinks from the "Try" channel:


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Just got a notice that my dentures are ready. Going next Tuesday to see how they fit and I am feeling all kinds of feelings about it. Excited they are finally ready, scared they won't fit right and it will be a nightmare to get it right. Anxious about getting used to having a full set of teeth in my mouth which will be hard. My jaw muscles have to adjust and that seems like it will be very uncomfortable and take a really long time. I know it's not easy as several years back I got partial dentures and adapting to the upper which was a nearly full plate(2 back teeth remained that the plate fit over) was hard. I had to adjust how I talked and ate, it was not fun and takes a really long time. So I'm happy, anxious, scared and hopeful. Did I mention I was anxious, I am feeling a lot of that.

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I am just hopeful!

When I got my teeth done, it had been a long time with my little mouth grinding down the back teeth every night, and I was freaked out about a "mouth full of teeth", full sized teeth, in there and how it was going to be. It was FINE and GREAT and your teeth are going to be a blessing and make you so happy, my dear friend! I know the anxiety and I know it's going to be so amazing!

We love you, ziggy!

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Thank you so much Babe, I needed to hear that.

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Anxiety and excitement feel so much alike that it ends up just feeling like jitters forever.

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I have very vivid dreams, and wake up each day remembering at least one, and then spend a bit of the morning trying to figure out where different parts came from.

(I know other people's dreams are boring to hear, so you can skip, but here you are)

I dreamed that my husband was abusive (he is NOT) and I decided to get away from him. I came on Wonkette and asked where I should go to be safe, and one of y'all said "Memphis in May". Now, there is the Memphis in May festival, but in my dream there was a little Ozarks village, like a commune, called Memphis-in-May. I headed there, and at a gas station I saw our Trix sitting naked in the back of a pickup truck. DR was only about 3, and was in another truck. Each truck was being driven by a well-dressed lady. I asked Trix why she was naked and she said, "That's what's great about having a chauffer!"

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I was driving my car into a parking structure, when all of a sudden it died, but just as I was drifting into a parking place, and it stopped just right, but it freaked me out that the whole dashboard was blank. Well, I thought, it was bound to happen soon (my car is 20 years old and past 400K miles) and I got out, then looked back and it was a bicycle with a bent front wheel. This did not seem strange to me, I was just thinking, well now that it turned into a bicycle it might be easier to fix, so I walked out of the parking garage looking through my cell phone contacts and there it was, Bike Repair. So I called them and they asked where I was, and there was one of those annoying street signs that tell you the little cross street but not the name of the main drag, like you are supposed to know what the big street is, and all I could see was this art installation with a sign Mayan Atlas and statues of Mexican gods. So I told them I was at the corner of Alma and Mayan Atlas and they said, oh we know where that is, but do you know we are in Montana now? You need to get online and find a closer bike repair shop. But, I protested, I just have my dumb cell phone and I can't get home! Can't you go online for me? No no, we don't do that, we only do bike repair and besides, we're in Montana. I was getting ticked off at them when I woke up.

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Anyone see the McKinsey story on Last Week Tonight?

I have things to say about these types of companies which would probably break the non-commenter rules, so I shall refrain.

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Thank you for today's TABS! My dad will enjoy hearing the Cassidy Steele Dale piece today as we're driving.

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I appreciate the ban rules Rebecca. One point to mention, many commentators on the Middle East seem to forget that Hamas does have agency and the ability to make their own decisions. Not every choice they make is because of Israel or Iran.

Also, highly unlikely Netanyahu remains PM after this war. We may see a resurgence of the Israeli center and left.

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I would really appreciate it if Netanyahu resigned like, right now.

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Mika Westwolf. Sigh.

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How a Bill Becomes Law: Wannabe Adult XXX Version

by Cassidy Steele Dale

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Love the Tabs. Do not love the linkies that require a subscription to view (The Atlantic), even when viewed incognito.

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"BRB gotta buy some black vodka."

I don't think there exists a vodka black enough for *this* Monday.

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I would like to propose Jaap Blonk for Speaker. Saw him perform some very experimental music with Ra-Kalam Bob Moses Ensemble last night.


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"Netanyahu liberalized too much"

Yeah, this is laughable....

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