I caught the Malaria when I was a kid.

Anybody who eats her own weight in mosquitoes is Le Awsomissimo to me.

Trust me on this: malaria sucks bigtime.

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By now we'd be on the third or fourth round of denying them re-entry.

I'm starting to think it would be a good idea to find a technicality that means the South won and re-do the Reconstruction, but with real high standards for who gets to be a State again. Alabama? Yeah, they get independence until the late 3000s at least.

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Well, OK.

But I'd rather have a gangster from an American gang. Preferably a boss, or at least a made man.

And next time they nominate a comic book villain, can they at least run it past Marvel's editors? No more of this DC crap.

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Tax fraud has a 6 year SOL. Not sure when it starts, maybe when you file. I used to know about 30 years ago.

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We have lots of black widows here this is the season they take over. I just bought a new special spray bomb for them. I spray em til they fall down and then rub em out with my boots.

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30 yr old guy (TX AR??) who just died of Rona said just before he died words to the effect of I always thought it was a hoax but now I guess it's real

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I found a rat in my rubber boot one day, as I was headed out to the pasture. Fortunately, my dog Coletrane was there and he dispatched the rat quickly. I actually put my foot in there and thought that my son had been wearing the boots and had left a sock wadded up in the toe. But his socks aren't grey and furry.

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LOL The "mean streets of New York real estate"? Seriously.

Foxers are fucking idiots.

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"Katie Pavlich is still the stupidest. The end."

You can say that again!

"Katie Pavlich is still the stupidest. The end."

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If the South had been successful, it probably would have gone this way: About 50 years of continued slavery, fascist gov't, while becoming a pariah to the rest of the world. WWI: remains neutral; under pressure, moves toward apartheid. WWII: sides w/ the Nazi's and becomes a third front for the Germans.

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Kids. Cable wasn't even in my town until I was away in college.

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Anyone who hasn't seen this will be fascinated and appalled. Speculation, technically, but it explains a lot of otherwise puzzling history; the premise is that Trump has gotten out of big, big trouble more than once by turning confidential informant for the FBI.


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I love Mr. T's signature line from "The A-Team", "I pity the fool."

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There's a possibly apocraphyl story from Keith Richards about how they were in a dressing room and someone announced, "The Police are here!"

Right after they'd frantically flushed all the drugs, in walk Stuart Copeland and Sting.

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Not very authenticious, I must say.Saw that word last night on the movie, The Town.All these fools were clamoring for President Obama's birf certificate but can't see why traitor Trump should have to give up his taxes.Very unauthenticious.

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I doubt Donnie can handle walking the mean streets if he can barely make it down a ramp. Being a born-on-third fail son who pissed away his inherited wealth by being a shite businessman doesn't exactly scream "rough-and-tumble," Lou.

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