Yeah, it seems like if you're a bald faced liar that you might not be fit to make laws for the rest of the country.

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I've had it with these idiots. Ta, Robyn.

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One would think.

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you can get yourself into all kinds of trouble for lying on job applications for higher office. it seems extremely weird that there aren't any consequences when it comes to the highest court.

to me it almost seems as though that the bad faith actors from yesteryear made sure to provide for future bad faith actors, but I'm also a hopeless cynic.

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Yes, it does seem as if people who blatantly LIE to get a job, might not be the best people to guide the rest of us as far as laws go.

I remember when the Evangelicals used to worry about the PaPiSTs!!!?11!, and now the Papists are making laws for all of us based on Catholic dogma.

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I've always pronounced it in my head as "wuh-wiggy, wuh-gah."

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right? strange that. gee, it's almost as though religion was always just a plot device.

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I hate summer reruns.

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I told you all that June 24 was:

June = 6th month24 = 2 + 4 = 62022 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6


As further proof, there are right now 333 comments and that is exactly half of 666, and we all know what that means. (If you know what it means, tell me please.)

Checkmate, libs!

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No, and it never will fall apart because every time something doesn't come true, the QAnons all say, "Just part of the plan. We're watching a movie. Grab some popcorn".

They will be saying this for 20 years.

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That's gonna be one nasty hair ball to clean up.

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today i shaved off 6 seconds. i was 6 seconds faster today.

it has nothing to do with what you mentioned. im just a very methodical mtb'er. what i look, or search for, is finding that perfect sense of zen, or what we call flow....it's a combo of having the right pedal cadence, pumping at the right moments, unweighting, and then weighting...im very seasoned mtb'er vet....i've ridden it all....know what i like...and mostly just ride that.

like not a fan of rocks and shit but tots mcgoats can clear 'em easy peasy...i just dont get a boner for em.

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"Q" has been in prison for these couple of years. That is my take on it.

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Yes, they are more supple and don't require breaking in.

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You can't just drive up here and move in, you know.

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His Mom stopped paying for internet.

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