Ta, MM. I am, indeed, having a week. Thursday and Friday will be vacation days for me; I have to study for my Big Test on Saturday. I decided that since I'm primarily a visual learner, I'd watch an introductory geometry video on YouTube. I found out that I already know this stuff. Tomorrow I'll watch something a bit more advanced. I was concerned about geometry because I didn't go to 11th grade. I don't think I have anything to worry about; it's familiar territory apart from a couple of terms.

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I'm in a generous mood, it's possible he still hasn't learned Justice Breyer's first name.

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I've had crickets fried with chile flakes and lemon grass in Da Lat. The perfect beer snack. Wish I could get them here.

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Barbecue over charcoal or wood.

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There's a circuit in the C5m's avionics boxes that, if it fails, allows the engines to run at full speed. This will either pull the wings off or pull the engines off of them. Like many things in the upgrade, this wasn't thought out well. We had to program them not to go above 3/4 power. Fortunately, the avionics boxes are all paralleled with identical backups

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The G forces are all at impact. Hundreds of G's.

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I can dig it

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That only cost 800 million million bucks

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Maybe it's because my first vote was in 1972, and it was against Richard Nixon, but I can't see the NCU really taking off.

Of course, it would be on Disney+, and they seem to be able to make money off anything.

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Followed by a rain of lemon juice.

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The URL also lists a "benign". Who was it? Where is it?

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Oh, they got about half of the tests to succeed, once they put transponders in the target missiles. Not sure they ever convinced the Russians or Chinese to put transponders in their ICBMs though.

Actually the system is still in development, they've never shut the program down, just renamed it a few times.

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If you have to cheat by putting transponders in the target dummies, your only deluding yourself that you have a viable system in the field.

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Odd that the "no signal" condition would result in 100% throttle, what did they do, put a spring in there which pulls the trhrottle open as opposed to..you know..closed, like every other throttle known to man?

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Not going to happen, Toots. R. Raygun deregulated the media so it does not have to provide as much information on the actual goings-on in government and is more profit-oriented and either biased heavily towards sensationalism and/or partisanship.

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