Hmm, weird, Sarah's Lous web site is about fourty times less popular than honorable Wonkette and ten times less popular than some web site where a Eric guy shows you how to change a shock absorber.
Maybe Sarah should be showing how to screw some nuts?
That Fundie writer (NancyAFrench)who poses as Bristol and writes all the posts @BristolsBlog.. I wonder how she reconciles the Fact that her Re-Virginized Bristol has ' shacked up ' and is ' living in Sin ' with Dakota Meyer ' down thar in KinTucky '?I don't see Sarah announcing it on Twitter either? Tweet it sarah. (I'll bet it would hurt her SarahPAC donations from the rubes)
A lot of things can be dangerous if used improperly or illegally. Take * for example.Where * = golf club, windex, hedge funds, pharmaceuticals, lipstick, shoelaces, maybe tv remote. i think that covers it.
The crazy is strong in that one. Scientology re-education camp could only be an improvement! Hail Xenu!
I am not worthy.
If only!!
Hmm, weird, Sarah's Lous web site is about fourty times less popular than honorable Wonkette and ten times less popular than some web site where a Eric guy shows you how to change a shock absorber.
Maybe Sarah should be showing how to screw some nuts?
but in terms of runaway, she actually did RUN AWAY from her job.
thus she will always be known as Governor Quitterface.
Thank fuck you guys are clicking into her fantabulous TV channel (blog) and keeping her numbers in the heady 200K+ range.
Rank in United States
p.s. by fantabulous I mean fucking hilarious.
Well, she is an expert on screwing nuts so there's that.
That Fundie writer (NancyAFrench)who poses as Bristol and writes all the posts @BristolsBlog.. I wonder how she reconciles the Fact that her Re-Virginized Bristol has ' shacked up ' and is ' living in Sin ' with Dakota Meyer ' down thar in KinTucky '?I don't see Sarah announcing it on Twitter either? Tweet it sarah. (I'll bet it would hurt her SarahPAC donations from the rubes)
A lot of things can be dangerous if used improperly or illegally. Take * for example.Where * = golf club, windex, hedge funds, pharmaceuticals, lipstick, shoelaces, maybe tv remote. i think that covers it.
i know. i haven't actually heard in a couple years, but it still screeches in my head when reading her quotes
Actually, Fats Limbaugh would be an oxenmoron.
It is a depiction of what actually happens to your request for an hour off so that you can take your daughter to her doctor's appointment.
And pointed sticks.
Wouldn't that de-revirginized? She claimed to have reformed after her second one.
Don't kid yourselves: every repig everywhere wants this twit to be president.
I would send her some D of the MT but am a little worried her Spirit Guide would be Dick Cheney.