What about masturbation during which boys and men waste millions of their baby-making sperm?

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Yes they don't attend these events and it doesn't matter. His whole purpose is to ramp up outrage in other right-wingers who don't attend these events either, but are ready to believe his outrageous lies about drag queens and libraries with their liberal agenda. There are too many idiots who will believe his lies.

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I don’t think he’s considered a role model on the show. But I get the point.

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“In heaven, you pay fines for your sins in life. Murder is like a million dollars. Masturbation is 25 cents. But it really adds up”-Father Guido Sarducci.

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So right wing assholes appropriate a term specific to behavior of pedophiles and reduce it to “Things that oppose our virulent bigotry”.

It’s annoying since there is a rather famous example of “Grooming” by a n animator of note that was reported for a while: John Krikafalusi, creator of Ren and Stimpy.

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Evidently less than nothing.

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Fake morality is still fake.

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So, if I currently have never read a Matthew Cochran column and find his views abhorrent and disgusting and then I start reading them and slowly find myself thinking he's less disgusting, he is grooming me? Yeah, that does sound bad.

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"it's just as easy to perceive that the purpose of the sexes and sexuality is reproduction and family."

Scientifically speaking, it's really an odd belief to hold. Human sexuality has many features that are unusual among mammals. Concealed ovulation, particularly, means that human sex is unusually inefficient at baby-making. It is really hard to look objectively at the facts and believe that human sex serves no purpose other than reproduction.

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Oh, she did. That was why she dropped it.

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Correction, true right wingers would only accept childless couples as being acceptable within the first 10 months of marriage - otherwise the woman isn't doing her job to produce Christian babies

And also, the woman must be a virgin at marriage because we can't have women enjoying sex or seeing it as something besides reproduction

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That is what had so scared me about the radical right's obsession with pedophilia - and even taking into account the popular tendency to misapply the clinical term pedophile to people who target teenagers that is still scary

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And at least 20% cooler than the other tattoos.

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OK Groomer

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Asami from the Legend of Korra is bisexual!

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I still want a bisexual Disney Princess

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