“And we certainly do not think that ballots without dates should be counted, because how do you know when they came in?“

The implication of this being that the “cheater” would wait to see how many votes they needed and then sneak them in? Then why not put a date on it? Why draw attention to it? And if you are going to cheat why not just send in 500000 fake ballots at the start?

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Ronna McDaniel is a fucking pig.

That is all.

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Your premium, creamy, thick white vote gets “diluted” by votes from people whose voice should count for less. That’s what Ricky means. All those non-existent fraudulent votes are hard to pin down, but we know black and brown people voted, which diluted the purity of the very best votes.

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All Republicans need to be run outta town on a rail and any property they own needs to be salted.

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Everything associated with republicans is rat dicks, so lightly salting them is appropriate

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Diluted. One drop of black blood...

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I’m judging you by your character, Voldemort.

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It's all comedic for any actual poll worker to listen to. They don't know the first thing about how things are done. Like it's never occurred to anyone to arrange safeguards, or to keep track of voters? I suppose in a way it's a good thing Republicans aren't very thorough or very wily-- but they're just so perverse in their thinking, there are so many of them, and they all seem to be in government.

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Medicare fraud?

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From the party that hates terrorists…what’s that? A Bill to track domestic terrorists? Hahaha

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From the party that initiated mail on voting.

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we should not have no excuse absentee voting.Fixed it for her. None. Under any circumstance.

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“People are concerned about what happened in 2020. We all know that teenage hookers were being trafficked out of the Mar a Lago brothel headquarters!! People are concerned and we need to get to the bottom of it so people will know it’s safe to take their kids to Florida.”

See how easy it is? Just make shit up and say it needs to be investigated to find out if it’s true or not. And that gets you on the Sunday shows because they will drag on air any body with a working mouth to make noise in front of their cameras.

Now, about all those abortions that got paid for by Republican campaign funds…

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This has to be the most depressing beat on the wonket. Imagine having to sit through that shit. You are a good man, Michael.

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Well, she can do it, and the Trumps can do it.

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It's NOT PRESIDENT Trump any more !!! You stupid woman....It's The FORMER Dirt-Bag President Trump.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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