"Tonight is a big victory for We the People!"

Every time Sarah uses "Wethepeople" as an objective pronoun, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson gets another 100 years in Purgatory.

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Hmmm . . . don't give 'Trix ideas.

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"Content Lite" is surely tattooed on her ass.

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While Bristol is yelling "I'm gonna go Jackie Chan on your Chinese ass!"

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Have you ever noticed that if an idiot wants to sound knowledgeable when making a political statement they use the term "We the people" as often as possible? It's as if to say "See, I'm being' all historical and shit, bitches"!

A complete moron will use "We the people" multiple times on the same page or even in the same statement just to make sure the reader notices. It's like saying "Hey, look, look, I'm quoting something that some founding father wrote so what I'm saying must be really important and shit".

A typical Sarah Palin post would be like: Today We the People have spoken and we sent a message to the Dumocrats that We the People will not stand for their reckless socialist government. We the People are giving our support to the Republican Party, but they should learn from their mistakes or We the People will stand up to them and they will have to face the Wee of the People.

Now this is not to say that Sarah is a complete moron but ... Nah, she's a complete moron!

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... And the bartender thinks now there's the toughest game of "Marry, Fuck, Kill" you'll ever see.

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So, my guess is that she's either in a meth/moonshine induced coma, or she's in rehab.

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"We the peeple ..." - because she's not talking on the phone, talking to the camera, getting in drunken fights, snorting meth, handling the grift checks and tossing up word salads all by herself.

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I'd go with Cruz/King 2016 except obviously too liberal.

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She's all ass.

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Seems like it's richer in content than usual.

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Ian Hunter, actually.

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How many times do you think they have to cancel the Ask Me Anything because it was too much work to bleep all the n-words?

Corollary: how many times do you think her vapid viewers (who nonetheless think they already know Everything That Really Matters, as featured on the Sunday morning show "This Is Your Pastor Speaking") tried to think of a question and realized Sister Sarah had already said everything they needed to know?

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She thinks that the Palintologists are still too busy studying the brawl.

Aside: the word Palintology has made it into the dictionary - the Urban Dictionary, that is.

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Sarah reveals Herself in mysterious ways ...

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"Pay me."

-the only Sarah Palin quote you need to know.

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