As if we needed any more proof that Scalia is a hypocritical weasel.
&quot;To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself.&quot; - Scalia, in <em>Employment Division v. Smith</em> (1990)
&quot;Screw that noise. We gotta put the hurting on the womenfolk.&quot; - Scalia, today.
I understand that the correct gesture to make, is to lift the chin(s) slightly, and to run two fingers of the right hand upward and outward along the skin.
We do have some advantages, it is true. And OUR Supreme Court keeps bitch-slapping our fucking right-wing douche of a Prime Minister, even though many of them were appointed by him. <a href="http:\/\/\/news\/national\/supreme-court-expands-aboriginal-title-rights-in-unanimous-ruling\/article19347252\/" target="_blank">Latest example</a>. But if we can&#039;t unite the left-wing parties and kick Harper out next year, we are fuuuucked.
Odd, this doesn&#039;t strike me as a Happy Nice Time story...
As if we needed any more proof that Scalia is a hypocritical weasel.
&quot;To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself.&quot; - Scalia, in <em>Employment Division v. Smith</em> (1990)
&quot;Screw that noise. We gotta put the hurting on the womenfolk.&quot; - Scalia, today.
It looks like a good time to invest in megabortiontoriums &trade;.
Silly me. I thought the story this morning about some radicals in black robes declaring a Caliphate was about <i>Iraq</i>.
I understand that the correct gesture to make, is to lift the chin(s) slightly, and to run two fingers of the right hand upward and outward along the skin.
I think I can safely say that Ginsburg and Kagan are not Catholic.
We do have some advantages, it is true. And OUR Supreme Court keeps bitch-slapping our fucking right-wing douche of a Prime Minister, even though many of them were appointed by him. <a href="http:\/\/\/news\/national\/supreme-court-expands-aboriginal-title-rights-in-unanimous-ruling\/article19347252\/" target="_blank">Latest example</a>. But if we can&#039;t unite the left-wing parties and kick Harper out next year, we are fuuuucked.
Do I hear Nero fiddling?
Yup, I thought so.
Hey, they opened the loophole. So now every nutter will grab a crowbar and try to pry it open <em>just</em> a little bit more.
well, SCOTUS is making sure that won&#039;t be a problem either today
please list them.
right now i am beyond depressed.