
It's Amii Stewart knockin' on wood, baby which is your hed gif source. Here's more info:


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Best song!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

I knew the minute I saw the video that it was disco (my happy place). Knock on Wood is perhaps one of my favorite disco songs. It is awesome to clean house to, just saying.

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I remember being a little little dancing in the living room to this song, even though I wasn't supposed to be in the living room because we had a rec room for the kids to be rambunctious in , and the living room was not it.

But what are you going to do when you're an 8 year old and that song starts playing from the living room speakers?

Spoiler: I was too cute to get into trouble that day.

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Spoiler: Still are, I bet.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

It's so weird to me that people have rooms that you're not supposed to go into.

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The story of Blue Beard comes to mind.

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I feel the same way formal dining rooms in most houses. You end up with a 10x12 to 12x14 room that most people only use at Thanksgiving and Christmas, if then. You also need to buy an expensive dining room set that you seldom sit at and a table often filled with things you drop off walking through and don't pick back up. I would much prefer a larger eat in kitchen and turn the dining room into a sort of den/office with a door to close it off. Kids could use it for homework, you would have a more private home office, and if you put in a futon or small sleeper sofa you have an emergency guest room. It would get more use than most dining rooms.

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My grandma had a living room with white chairs. It was for guests we were grandchildren so we got to sit on those chairs when we were dressed nicely on Easter and Christmas because we were dressed nice and could not run around.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

And that they’re called “living rooms”, because living people aren’t really allowed in them, just church people and stuck-up relations when they come calling. My family didn’t have one of those (my grandma sort of did, but it was basically for housing the couch that my grandpa wasn’t allowed to sit on because perpetually filthy; everyone else was allowed), but I only saw the inside of my husband’s grandma’s living room maybe 3 times; it had the Christmas tree in it at Christmas, but we didn’t open presents in there, she would go in there to get them and we would open them in the den. His other grandma at least used hers some, for all holidays and bridal/baby showers.

Anyway yeah it’s a weird concept.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke

The term ' living room' was a pr effort by Good Housekeeping mag. They wanted to kill the prior name, the parlor. Because parlors were the place where traditionally dead family members were laid out prior to burial. 'Living room' was to erase the notion of 'dead room' so more people would use it and, along the way, buy more furniture,etc.

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Yeah. We were discouraged from using the living room, too. It was for impressing outsiders.

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Aww! Adorable!

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Did you that today was (and still is) the Birthday of an important Hindu deity named Ganesh? That's the one with an elephant head on top of a chubby child's body. Ganesh brings good luck. Ganesh loves sweets. Ganesh helps us overcome obstacles. Ganesh is the one to propitiate when you birth family sucks and you need some help. That's because Ganesh is the son of Shiva (the destroyer) and Parvati.There are eleventy billion stories about why Ganesh has an elephant head instead of the normal head he was born with. But every one of those stories starts with one salient fact: every version of the story starts with Shiva cutting Ganesh's normal child off! Talk about a shitty home environment! Shiva sucks!

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Re: the ACA. As a middle aged person with a preexisting condition, the ACA saved my ass. I signed up immediately and ditched my expensive PPO insurance (only kind I could get that covered everything I needed) and saved a ton of money and got better care to boot. Hubs got a separate, much cheaper plan. One huge wish of mine is that the US would break the stranglehold of the medical industrial complex and pass universal healthcare ( not happening in my lifetime). And it’s no secret that the rich get better care because they can pay for top-tier insurance or pay directly.

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Hahaaa, The Guardian's coverage said Boebert and Co. were "eagerly groping" one another. Wish I could tip that reporter

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I'm sure a tip was somehow involved.

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I just want to put it out there. We time travelers have problems with less than obvious flashbacks in your primitive entertainments. And that gratuitous anticipation of the change in scene by the change in the soundtrack? I look forward to when that is abandoned by the industry in 2026.

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What an awful batch of stories this morning. I don't even need to read any of them, I have read the like before alreaday.

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What an awful batch of stories this morning. I don't even need to read any of them, I have read the like before alreaday.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

How I know I've had a very busy, very terrible morning: SEVEN Wonkette posts above this one, and I just got through this.

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I absolutely believe that aliens exist. There are just too freakin’ many stars with planets which could evolve life, even if you exclude ones which couldn’t evolve carbon-based life, and why should we? Claiming we are the ONLY planet in literally trillions of trillions to evolve intelligence is just mind-blowing hubris. Have they visited? Maybe, could be, maybe not…the odds seem to favor it, if you look at it in a certain way (and disfavor it if you look at it otherwise, of course). I’m withholding judgement though until I see more evidence. But they certainly could have.

But not these “aliens.”

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I'm more than a little concerned that a sitting congressperson suffers from a physical or psychological condition that makes her incapable of remembering what she did just days ago. Perhaps it is time for her to retire, to spend time healing.

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The Senate has changed its dress code to be more casual, guess which news channel is very upset about it?

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That barista is gross, but also: this happened three years ago and it's only being broadcast now because freaking Chaya posted about it on her hate-o-gram. And PS Chaya: baristas with diaper fetishes can be bigots too!

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"I Was Also Drunk!" Sez Boebert

"I'm Mean to So Many People, Who Can Remember?" Laughs Boebert

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Criminals Flood Into Texas After Learning How Easy It Is to Get Acquitted

By Andy Borowitz

TEXAS (The Borowitz Report)—Thousands of hardened criminals poured into Texas over the weekend after learning how easy it is to secure an acquittal there.

Interstate freeways were reportedly backed up for miles as acquittal-seeking perpetrators sought to put down roots in soft-on-crime Texas.

Harland Dorrinson, a self-styled recidivist who has been convicted in Ohio, Missouri, and Wisconsin, said that he was heading to the Lone Star state because, “in Texas, no one is below the law.”

“An acquittal is yours for the asking if you’re white, male, and nefarious,” he said. “I check all the boxes.”

When told that one must also be elected as a Republican in order to qualify for Texas’s special “conviction exemption,” the career criminal was unfazed, noting that “even Greg Abbott” managed to do that.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

"Our partisan life-expectancy divide."

Ok I'm just going to wait them out.

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