May they die of natural causes, long after they wished for death.

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It's just to funny to hear about a man named David Pecker. It's ten thousand times funnier than Wiener.

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There is far less resistance to safety nets in Europe and it seems to related to Identity Politics. I believe that was one point of the article.

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Born rich and thinks he's a self-made man.

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To me he was more upsetting than Trump because he was always all wrong, but he was accepted as normal. Do you remember when he was with two black teenage girls and he was so inept he could only think to say "Hey, hey, who let the dogs out?" He had the lowest standards and the highest confidence in the world.

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Romney said that 47% of Americans are "takers." He used the right word, but applied it to the wrong people.

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I think you are so right. I think that's why European countries have better safety nets, because they're more willing to extend help to their own nationalities. It kills me to hear about those farmer congressmen who get those giant farm subsidies and refuse inner city programs-- you know what I mean. Even Michelle Bachmann, who didn't even have farm, it seems to me-- had something going that was so DISTASTEFUL, fortunately I can't remember it so you are spared!

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Some time ago I read an article about cultural resentment of welfare and social safety nets. In general, the more homogeneous a culture is, the less resentment. Bring in more people who are "different" and resentment goes up. It is high in the U.S.; ironically, most of the people on welfare are white. But that's not how the radical right sees it.

Speaking of people who don't want to work... Congress. The worse welfare cheats of all.

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You're done discussing this because you are poorly informed. One of his accusers was a Democratic staffer. Let me guess, she was just a lying whore?

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Really? Not sexual assault? So you haven't familiarized yourself with the allegations then? He was accused of more than just being crude.

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Nobody in this story seems particularly likable.

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That's a very fucked up reading of autism. I'm a parent to an autistic child, and while everyone on the spectrum is different, most kids are noted for their very strong moral outlook. There's not a gray area for my son, things are either right or wrong, period. And even he would tell you these people are so wrong.

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And so concludes another round of partisan "if it were so and so...what if-ism".

Is it possible that both Cernovich is an idiot pizzagater and also that Gunn is a gross pedo joker?

While I don't think Gunn should have been canned I also understand why a company like Disney wouldn't want to be associated with someone joking about child sexualization.

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Was not half a dozen. It was Leeann and two others who claimed he touched them when they took a picture with him, in front of people. All right wingers.All decades ago. Ain't saying we should not have purged, or it was or not true, but it was a: obviously staged B: is highly suspect and C: Johnson is still sitting there despite his accusers because we eat our own when the GOP tells us to, without a hearing or investigation.

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How many people do you need in order for it to be considered numerous? I'd think a half dozen qualifies.

I wasn't aware Franken was forced to take that pic or behave in any of the other ways he was accused of.

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Because they so resent being asked to have 'feelings' for other people. Starting with the Civil Rights Movement. It's just been a huge imposition all these years. And then giving their generous tax donations to people who don't want to work and just take drugs. It's just been horrendous, till now!

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