
Hed gif source credit goes to Chodat TV. Find out more about that and bunny feeding guidelines here: https://martiniambassador.substack.com/p/greens-are-good-for-you

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke, Martini Glambassador

I thought something was going wrong cause I kept seeing new replies but this post kept remaining on top

yeah, not enough caffeine yet.....

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

Martini just likes to stay... hiiiiiiiiiiiigh. If ya... know what I mean. 😉

(I mean having a pinned comment. I don't want to be presumptuous and all. I don't know what what their stance and/or preference is for Mary Jane.)

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It’s what Becca has deemed “The tyranny of the pinned comment” 😆

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It's a floater.

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But not in the same way that Donald Trump is a floater.

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It defies gravity. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

snicker XD

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf, Martini Glambassador

A Bunny, Hunterporn, and Little Feet. Who needs coffee with a breakfast like that?

I do.

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"The Hunter Hunter" is the cheapest ripoff of "The MILF Hunter" ever made. Fight me.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

A Bunny, Hunterporn, and Little Feet walk into a bar ...

Is where I thought that was heading.

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Now I want a punchline!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

Before I go near that bunbun, I'm consulting Brother Maynard.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

That rabbit is dynamite!

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Bunny is asking the kale if it has a piece of flesh caught in its teeth

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Don’t forget to pack your holy hand-grenade.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

I was once asked to run an errand to buy Chambord, and I was told the bottle resembled that famous cinematic prop.

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Hey, I've been to Antioch. No, not the one in California.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

And count to three, no more no less. 2 is wrong, unless one immediately proceeds to three.

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I think the funniest line in that speech is --- "Verily to bloweth them up ... in thy Mercy." The last bit, "in they Mercy", is delivered in this falling cadence that imitates Church of England liturgy PERFECTLY.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Crip Dyke, Martini Glambassador

Five is right out.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

And consult the Book of Armaments.

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If Rudy had made his announcement from the Four Seasons Bora Bora, people would have sat up and taken notice.

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Ohio has become has become the poster child for what happens when a state becomes so gerrymandered that none of its representatives fear the voters any more. These are the kind of people who rise to power.

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That Texas testimony is infuriating. Especially the woman who threw up on the stand as she relived the trauma that law put them through.

Sadly, it wasn’t the first and won’t be the last time Texas republicans have made people want to vomit.

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Isn't Hunter paying prostitutes out of his lawfirm funds really between Hunter and his lawfirm? Maybe they have an "Entertainment" perk and it's perfectly legitimate. Wait, Hunter is employed by a lawfirm? I thought he was a criminal drug addict loser.

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Humpty Trumpty wanted it all,

Humpty Trumpty hasa great fall

All of his cowhorets, and all the lawyer men,

Couldn’t put Trumpty together again.

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All of his cohorts and his lawyer men,

End up together in the pen.

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Apropos of all the important stuff, may one note that today's birthday honorees include Gregor Mendel, Cormac McCarthy, and Diana Rigg?

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I guess it's in their genes.

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My oldest nephew is 13 years old today, which is so hard to believe! It's such a cliche to say, but time really does fly.

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It's my sister's birthday today, too. She's somewhat older than 13.

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Oh man, now I want Quizno's for lunch and for some reason all the ones local to me have gone out of business over the past decade. Yet there's a fucking Subway on every corner.

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all the AGs that think they get to decide what happens to people in other states. If I go to CA to smoke week, I get to fucking smoke weed. My state justice department doesn't get a say in what I do elsewhere.

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This really is an extension of the Federal government prosecuting people for actions committed in foreign nations where such act are legal but are illegal in the US under Federal law.

During prohibition, the US olympic team couldn't drink in Sweden because of the 18th Amendment and the laws that put it into effect. If they drank alcohol, they faced prosecution once they returned to the US.

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But according to them you are murdering babies in their state. When what is murdering babies include guns and lack of health care for moms and babies.

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Help me out here with a better way to reply to comments:

I'm finding when I go to my notifications and I see that someone has responded to my comment or my response to their comment, I have to click to open the article, expand comments, and expand one or more times to find the conversation I'm trying to continue. That's really annoying! (Disqus absolutely sucked for this too, I was hoping for better.) One way both fails me is often I need to see the prior chain to regain context. I would like to be able to click somewhere/how that not just opens the article, but automatically scrolls me to the comment I'm trying to respond to. What am I missing, if anything?

Oh, ALSO pissing me off is that I saw a notification that someone had responded to my recent substack post, comment about the substack post, or note. I couldn't click on it before it disappeared - I was on a mildly traumatic phone call at the time - and I cannot, for the life of me, find it now. I was not expecting a lot of feedback, but I really want to brush up my writing so every such post is precious.

Knock 1 full star off of Substack scoring for me today.

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Try activity. When I click on someone's reply, substack takes me right to the conversation.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

I haven't tried on the desktop version, but when I click on a comment reply notification in the iOS app, it takes me directly to the reply in the list of comments.

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Ok that's good to know. Now this 56 year old just needs to get a 16 year old's proficiency with thumb typing on the widget, I guess. (Not gonna happen with essential tremors...)

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This is what I've found(phone version of Substack is slightly different and less helpful.) Best thing to do is keep two tabs open. One of your profile, then one of what ever you're reading(or comment section.) You can get notifications by clicking on the bell icon from your profile, it will then open in a new tab, it will keep them separate so you don't lose your place.

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I hadn't thought of that.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Author

Maybe we could ease up on posting a comment and sharing to Notes, they're the same thing. The Notes are getting clogged up with repeated comments that are already here and people's photos are getting buried. The Notes are becoming just another comment section. Thank you!

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Good feedback, I'll work to comply...

Part, I think, of our woes is that we do want a robust conversation and this solution really isn't designed (if I can abuse that word) for that. However, perhaps we should be using the chat tab for all our previous open thread needs in this regard?

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OT is still regular OT in the Comments. At first Chat was going to be used for pics but Chat sucks and everyone hates it. Notes was found to be 100 times better for posting pics. So the idea is you OT like usual and when you want to share a pic you put it in notes, then share the link in the Comments, saying here's a pic of blah, blah, blah. Then people can click it to see it. But the comments give people the option of "share to notes" which just duplicates your comment and reshares the story it's on in the Notes. And now Notes are a mess.

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We are multifarious in our substack breakage!

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Pretend there's a gif here of that lady sipping coffee and spitting it out while laughing.

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Consider it done.

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