If we can keep the economy from going off a cliff, I actually have a lot of hope for 2024 because, despite their current rhetoric about needing a “reassess” their strategy, Republicans have shown over and over that they lack any kind of introspection or ability to change.

They’ll be back on their “Trump really won, CRT, teachers grooming transgender school children, litter boxes in classrooms, non existent higher crime, and the CRISIS at the border” kicks in no time.

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It's mostly like no one wants to date them because their values are terrible...

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Ah, but the election was about the economy. It was about people correctly remembering that the GOP is absolute shit on the economy. 2009, anyone?

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Lol. I converted my GOP hubby to the dark side years ago. My parents have been married for 61 years and they’re die hard dems. Sorry, Jesse, it doesn’t work that way

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I mean, how DARE voters cast ballots based on issues that might personally affect them or someone they love. How DARE people ignore nebulous, nonsensical things and focus on stuff they care about.

Next thing you know, people might start thinking things like “no one should starve” and “maybe healthcare is a human right.” And we just can’t have that, can we?

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I know I wouldn’t want to date someone who thinks I’m subhuman…

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And while we're talking about appealing to young women, here's Rubio showing how it is done:

"TikTok, time’s up. The app should be banned in America."


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The quickest way to scare me off is to openly admit to being a Trump supporter.

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Or someone who is both stupid and crazy- which most right wingers are.

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It occurred to me that I never had to reject a woman for being a trump supporter because I never found a trump-supporting woman.

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They're discouraged from leaving the kitchen.

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I have a friend who divorced his wife of 17 years because she would not quit flying off to Trump rallies, and putting the most fucked up Trump and QAnon shit on social media. No joke, as Joe B. would say.

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Bad news, Conservaturds...

I've been married for 4 years, both me and my husband are more liberal than ever.

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I’d suggest that getting married and having kids would likely make people think about the future. Global warming, keeping public schools - these concerns create Democrats.

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Marriage is more about class than anything else these days.

The research here is 5 years old, but I think it’s still relevant as highlighting a trend.

Marriage rates are also more closely linked to socio-economic status than ever before, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data that shows that the education gap in marital status has continued to widen.In 2015, among adults ages 25 and older, 65% with a four-year college degree were married, compared with 55% of those with some college education and 50% among those with no education beyond high school. Twenty-five years earlier, the marriage rate was above 60% for each of these groups.Marriage rates continue to vary widely by race and ethnicity. In 2015, 54% of white adults ages 18 and older were married. This is lower than the share of Asians who were married (61%) but significantly higher than the share of Hispanics (46%) or blacks (30%). The gap between whites and blacks has remained fairly consistent over time.

I think the issue of single women voting for Democrats has a lot to do with race, age, and other traits pertinent to categorizing unmarried women that Republicans generally struggle with.

I doubt black married women vote Republican at a substantially higher rate than black single women.



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