Coke is soooo coming after you dude, you better watch out

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Boehner's boondoggle is even better than the time the GOP screwed Issa over for the Governator. They are both gonna be leaking all over the airwaves over this one.

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needs moar Ruth Bader Ginsburg plz!

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"you shouldn’t need a blog that specializes in mocking and dick jokes to explain the First Amendment over and over again" But Snipy - your lawsplainin' never gets old. Never!

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Ah, so it's basically taking CNN's model and applying it to the internet.

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Everything is "First Amendment this" and "free speech that" and "you're oppressing me!"

Dude, you tweeted a picture of a cat that is hugging a RealDoll. You aren't exactly a font of groundbreaking political discourse.

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I’m tempted to say that the entire thing has to be a spoof because it’s too stupid even for a teabilly, but actually I think it’s just stupid enough.

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All thinking is relevant?


Seriously, someone actually believes that sophomoric nonsense?


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Why stop with Twitter?

We need a mute button for real life....

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<i>you are not a Thought Catalog Constitutional Scholar </i>

Social media, how the f0ck does it work? The Twitters, Myspace, that other thing.

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I'm working on it - but I can't figure out how to keep the duck tape from sticking together when it leaves the slingshot.

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projectile superglue

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Help, help, I'm being repressed!

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Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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I'm pleased to say that I have no idea what the "mute function" on Twitter is.

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"[W]hat’s going to stop us from just muting those silly protesters dying for democracy?"

Nothing stops us, you dunderhead ... and nothing makes us do it, either.

I've finally figured out that when right-wing morans whine about their "free speech" being taken away, what they're <i>really</i> whining about is people not listening to them. They actually believe that they have a "right to be taken seriously."

I'm pretty sure I have a Constitutional right to not listen to idiots, although it's not exactly spelled out . . . perhaps we need another amendment.

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