Fuck this - they need to go all-in: flagellation.

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Hair shirts, or GTFO

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Flagellation, hair shirts and ritual crucifixion.

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<i>Post-modern thinking that does not believe in absolutes nor that any truth can even be known.</i>

I can think of at least one truth that can be known: these guys are bug-fuck crazy. If they're going to refrain from something they're addicted to, I'd recommend they give up posting nonsensical crap on the internet.

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The vulgarity of the media is because of your corporate masters who will do anything to get your money you ignorant little stooges

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You never know what's going to rammed down your throat these days

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Ah, ah, ah...

Edit: or wait, was that a Gibson ref?

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Only the atheist pagans.

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Excellent, but you needed a larger point font.

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I had a list of food items I wanted to give up in order to change the world, but I must have Lent it out.

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Legitimizing other choices is threatening different-sex marriage, which was doing just fine before the gheys insisted on being treated as if they were equal human beings.

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A morass can have beliefs? I did not know this.

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I am inspired by your courage, and hereby vow to give up menudo.

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Just a quick note here from the <i>extremely</i> <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/04\/26\/opinion\/nocera-buffett-punts-on-pay.html\?ref=opinion" target="_blank">well compensated</a> folks at the Coca-Cola Corporation of Atlanta, GA: "Diet Coke®" is a registered trademark of the Coca-Cola Corporation and must always be capitalized.

You didn't think we'd make this kind of dough pouring robot sweat down people's throats and then not protect our brand, didja?

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This sounds more like a diet than a protest. Using that logic, I have been protesting something or other for the majority of my lifetime.

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Wouldn't it be cool if their behavior was caused by a reaction between whatever the fuck it is they use to sweeten diet coke and the part of their brains that make them act like total douchebags and assclowns? It would be like letting an engine run out of gas.

Beginning of day one: "Oh ho...we're going to give up Diet Coke to prove a point"

24 hours later: "My god...what was wrong with me? Why did I treat decent people so poorly?!"

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