Until we have meaningful campaign finance reform (and hell freezes over) we can’t compete with the wealthy, who might agree that some of our progressive ideas are good, but in the end money is money.

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Yep. There’s that too.

Rural people have limited media choices as well. That right wing capitalizes on. The only thing on the radio dial is AM wingnuts and Bible thumping

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I imagine it’s fairly universal. Nancy never met an insider trade she didn’t like

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Thanks Cliff, she works the border placing ads primarily in Mexican radio stations for the cross border audience and owns her own company and is WFH since the pandemic. She used to have an office and staff but the pandemic made her see the light and now she makes more in a couple of hours a day than she did with the staff and overhead.

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You sound like one of those crypto-goons who call anyone who calls their magical cyber money a scam "FUD." (i.e. " Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt") I seriously doubt my critique of liberal naivete in the face of the reality of the backward, greedy, bigoted culture of this shithole country is going to influence anyone to do anything, much less sit out the election. But hey, just keep shooting the messenger.

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My grandparents were rural, and that's all they listened to - bible thumping and wingnuts. Luckily, they died before the GQP went totally insane.

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Sorry I don't live up to your deep and nuanced understanding. Blocked. FFS

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While it's true that Ohio is a lot swingier than the gerrymandering would have us believe, it's also still a pretty red state. It went for Trump by 8 points in both elections; by contrast, Georgia went for Trump-2016 by 5 points and for Biden-2020 by 8 points... NC went for Trump-2016 by 3+ points and Trump-2020 by 1+ point. It's not quite Mississippi, but it's redder than states considered reddish-purple like Georgia and NC.

I think Ryan's only this close because he's a particularly good match for the state compared to most Ds and Vance is a particularly bad candidate for the state compared to most Rs.

I keep up with Ohio because it's where I grew up. It's nearly impossible to recognize the place now, compared to what it used to look like. I grew up in a very working class suburb, and there was always a lot of racism and misogyny in both parties, so that's no shock. But the batshit version of that feels new to me, and there's more of it, and it's a lot louder.

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Rural Ohio is absolutely in a different reality tunnel than urban Ohio. Up here it's a notable rarity to see even one.

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All together now: God made man - but he used a monkey to do it..

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White men, always telling women we are sanctimonious for complaining about things like hideous painful pointless deaths, as if our lives matter.

I will stop bitching when you take you boot off my face.

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Yeah shitting on Dems worked so well in 2016?You know damn well you are helping Rs with this shit - 2010 happened before 2016.

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I imagine that's what Reagan had in mind. I doubt he was a big fan of good journalism.

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I hate the horse race approach to politics. Just once can we actually talk about what's good for the country, not whether this or that policy helps this or that politician win? Just once!

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Well we know he wasn't a fan of good acting, so he probably wasn't a fan of journalism either.

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