If you had a *very* good sense of balance!

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First they came for the UAW, but I wasn't...

Then the teachers, the college professors, etc.

Finally they came for the police and firefighters, and by then the water was boiling...

My buddy in the elevator union has a great sticker on his hardhat:"United we bargain, divided we beg."

Need to get one for my helmet...

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That's the beauty of the system! M. Minderbinder

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You know what's so tacky about this? If he really was just trying to send good wishes to Tiger, he would have just "Replied" to Tiger's Tweet and said "Great to have you back".

But instead, he has to COPY Tiger's Tweet into his own, and THEN reply, you know, to show EVERYONE that he is Tweeting his buddy (not) Tiger Woods.

He's so pathetic.

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Except that the Trumpian businesses will not stand for it. They will pass laws to hurt diverse companies, specifically to erase those advantages.

It's not like they're going to compete in a fair contest.

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Dear Jamie Peck,

Go fuck yourself. With votes. With entire voting machines. And prepare to lose every election ever until you can see reality.

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sorry but it's all about unleashing the greed - just like when the Reagan scourge came through - except there's not as much left of this country to pillage, but they'll take it all if they can and leave a wasteland behind - and workers won't see a penny more -

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CA has a similar law going into effect January 1, 2017. How about that, Judge Mazzant? Our legislature thinks having the strongest worker laws in the country is a good thing.

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he looked like a lighter complected Ben Carson IMO (sorry if that offends his memory.)

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[I think he knows that, he's just being funny, like the guys in my freshman dorm who would yell "da me cabeza!"]*

*yes, at the prestigious UC Berkeley.

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I remember years ago in Miami, an airline was trying to market themselves to the Spanish-speaking community and were trying to translate "sit in our leather seats" into Spanish but whoever translated it for them did not realize the way it translated colloquially (if that is the right word, I'm no linguist, though I am cunning...) was interpreted as "sit naked in our seats."

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Trump walking nearby would also do the trick

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Is THAT what you call it?

(N.B.: in Italian, uccello or uccellino is what they call it.)

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Always look on the bright side of life!

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I'm still at Elder Sister's place (at least another week here), but am visiting home tomorrow. Tonight, I'll just watch Minority Report starring the Scientologist-in-Chief Tom Cruise. Everybody runs.

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We all have the "fuck everyone else" box. It's the republican box, and it fucks everyone but the Waltons. It's the worst box. And I stand with boxes...

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