Do you remember BS joining BC during the '50s?

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Actually, no. I turned 10 years old in the last year of the 50s. I wasn't thinking about health insurance then. The Wiki article says they merged in 1982.

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I know.about 1982.and I am probably wrong.just .. .I can remember.

could be they worked together for years, before merging.I think that may be, the case.There are some really good books been written about.

Growing up in Chicago, I was born in '52, in Rochester NY.We had 5 good reception television stations. which was notable in those days.TV ... I remember PSA commercials telling alien residents to register during the McCarthy days.

I keep looking on Youtube. Maybe I'll find both again one day.or ... i might just be the liar you say i am?

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And God forbid you would look it up before posting!

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It is like The Post.

Nixon put The Postmaster General out of The White House.He built the coffin.Reagan passed The Post Office Reformation Act, and nailed the coffin shut.Trump - is trying to throw dirt in and bury it forever.

I say open the coffin.Get out the poor Postmaster General, and put him in The White House.

That is where The Constitution Put hem.

as Franklin intended.To secure communications (twitter and Musk)Generate Revenue (Amazon)and stimulate the economy (Student Loan fogiveness)(student nurses, getting paid to go to nursing school, in exchange for their service to the post, as a nurse, in the future,

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I'm going by memory.

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That's obvious. But that's not how we should do things here on Disqus.

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Oh, screw the post!

Trump is no longer the president, in case you didn't notice.

Franklin didn't write the constitution alone or any of the amendments. The job of the post office is to deliver the US mail. It's not 1776 any more.

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oh plah-leeze

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Franklin worked very hard to have the Postal Clause added to The Constitution.

That's his contribution to The Constitution.

The post does more than deliver mail.It delivers freight.It is where you go to get your passport, tax forms, and in other ways contact The Federal Government.

In the past, it was where you could go get bounty posters.I remember that!

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“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”Hitchen's Razorhttps://www.goodreads.com/q...

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Delivers freight?

You can get tax forms at libraries and other public facilities as well.

What other branch of the federal government can you contact AT the post office (not counting mailing a letter).

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As kids, we had Blue Cross from Dad's employer (NY Bell). It covered dental

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Post Office should run a Twitter alt service. They are the only agency that guarantees untampered delivery.

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The post office was established to allow business3s and people to send correspondence securely. This was critical for businesses to know their deeds and correspondence were protected by the full force of the US government. They used to hang mail thieves

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6 white men own 90% of US media.

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