A US Senator encouraging, one might say "inciting," violence.

He who lives by the sword... Maybe we should bring back the practice of outlawry. If you call for the killing or harming of your fellow citizens, protection of the law is lifted from you and you may be harmed with impunity. Maybe a system of forehead tattoos to avoid errors?

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Cotton's many incitements to violence seem puny and pathetic because he seems puny and pathetic. To us. But we're not Arkansas, where relaxing child labor laws is the latest cool trend--along with sky-high murder rates and abysmal education (by design).

In Huckleberry Finn, Huck knew that finding himself in Arkansas meant all was lost in terms of saving Jim. Why does the state take that as a badge of honor, Mr. Cotton?

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“Whoo-oop! I’m the old original iron-jawed, brass-mounted, copper-bellied corpse-maker from the wilds of Arkansaw!—Look at me!"

~ Mark Twain, "Child of Calamity," from "Life on the Mississippi."

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But he's helping normalizing such calls.

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I take great comfort in knowing that, no matter how tough Mr. Cotton screams at the world, we will all continue to get him mixed up with Josh Hawley and make jogging jokes about him.

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Cowardice is always loud and brazen. True valor is quiet and reserved. Good ol' Tom is of the former variety. Loud mouthed sissy pants kind of guy. Like Trump will start a fight and then run from it.

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Cotton always reminds me of Douglas C. Neidermeyer, who was shot in the back by his own troops in Vietnam. It is a testament to the U.S. Army's body armor that the back plate really does stop a round. Too bad his platoon didn't switch the plate with foam rubber.

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The only body armor they had in Vietnam was a flak vest, same thing I had in Germany in far less danger in the early 80s. No "plates," it was more like wearing a thick quilt, and it was armless. We never wore them unless ordered (often), but I was nowhere near combat.

Except for the beer tent against the British in Nijmegen in 1982.

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Can happen to dickheads who are constantly trying to get you killed for their own self promotion and egos.

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So why didn't he grab a pistol from a Capitol Police officer during the mob violence there on 1/6/2021 and start firing away? Or was he too busy trying to find a place to hide knowing that mob would beat the shit out of anyone in a suit and figure out who it was later. Like his virtual twin Josh Hawley, who was seen scurrying around seeking safety after giving the mob a fist pump encouragement earlier. Real tough guys.

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The most telling thing from that day, when they took the Senate chambers, one of these patriots, rummaging through a desk, says, "Ted Cruz? Is he a good one?"

If these people had caught Ted Cruz in the hall, they would have killed him just as sure as if he was Chuck Schumer.

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"If these people had caught Ted Cruz in the hall, they would have killed him just as sure as if he was Chuck Schumer."

To be fair, that is simply a normal human response anyone might feel.

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Ta, Evan. I. Just. Can't.

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It seems that Republicans have had a serious break with reality. They long to return to a fictional America that only ever existed in movies or on TV, and the men strive to behave as though they are characters in an action movie

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I blame the Fonz.

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Alan Alda has entered the chat.

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The ghost of John Wayne has entered the chat.

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What Tom Cotton is? A psychopath. Full stop.

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Courtney Massingale from Once An Eagle. Always wanting to fight wars, planning horrible wars with a huge cost in lives but yet always volunteering someone else to do the dying. It was said he lacked heart or a love of man or mankind. And he was also impotent.

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He disgusts me (he's on my "disgusting" list standing between Josh Hawley & Tommy Tuberville).

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It's hard to pick out a puppy, all so cute.

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Tom would've fit right in at Edmund Pettus Bridge. Whackin' the darkies for shits and grins.

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But only if accompanied by a gang of his buddies. He's, like most (R) guys, a big old sissy.

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He'd be the one with a police dog.

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I like to think most dogs would not give him the time of day.

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God forbid anyone in Arkansas should ever be inconvenienced. If people in Arkansas are ever inconvenienced for more than 5 minutes, tell them to move to St. Louis where they can be inconvenienced on a daily basis during morning and/or evening rush hour whenever a car breaks down or there is an accident on any one of the 4 bridges over the Missouri River and the 4 bridges over the Mississippi River. Whoever decided to build a city in 1764 at the conjunction of the two largest rivers in the USA was not planning ahead.

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That confluence of rivers is, much like for my own New Orleans, the only reason a major city is there in the first place. But I suspect you already know that. LOL

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He's jealous that no place in Arkansas rated a protest

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At the time it was a good idea. Colonial America had no paved roads, very few bridges, and no plans to get any. If you wanted to go much further away than you could walk in a day, or to ship any kind of freight, you did it by water. Even in Europe, the only all-weather roads were left behind by the Roman Empire over a thousand years before.

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It's still a major port, I believe.

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Why does he care what happens in California? States rights, dude.

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Remember how on January 6rh manly Senator Cotton took matters into his own hands and started throwing MAGA insurrectionists off the House balcony? Yeah, me neither.

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Utter disgrace to the uniform he once wore.

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Unless it was a French maid uniform.

Second thought...that would be a disgrace too. Ah, there's no hope.

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I'm guessing that he has a real issue taking his "problems" in both his hands.

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