That would match his face and as such would not work

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Not to belittle your situation. WHY would the fact that it was your birthday have anything to do with this? You were going TWENTY mph over the limit and the cop is supposed to let you off for THAT. You sound almost as if you are as privilged as rich people do.

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At the time, I thought it would be a nice gesture on his part.

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One of the only reasons I check the news every morning is hoping to hear Trump has stroked out.

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None, that's the beauty of it.And it's only sweeter if Trump hangs on until the week before the Convention and then the Russians drop bott The Pee Tape but another one of him butt fucking a goat.Republicans in Chaos, life is goo

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Not even Ron Johnson can challenge Tuberville for the stupidest member of the senate 7 the entire Congress!

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He's a gol-durn carpet bagger from Arkansas. That's where the creekbed he crawled out from is located.

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Honestly, my candidate for Stupidest Senator has long been Ron Johnson (R-WI). Tubs Tuberville has clearly played too much football without his helmet, so at least he has an excuse.

Johnson, OTOH, is just plain fucking dumb. The people of Wisco should hang their heads in shame. Would also explain Scotty Walker. Gotta love a college dropout (he was cashiered from Marquette) trying to do higher economics. Dude needs to take his pants off to count to 21.

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Pretty sure he's the guy that said the 3 branches of government are the House, the Senate, and the Executive, which is pretty stupid.

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There's a strong correlation between swallowing religious BS and swallowing Rethug BS.

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And of course Bernstein is eminently qualified, way too smart for the GOP to support. So Tommy's absence is quite apropos.

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At this point Republican oversight is what happens when you divide a political party by zero.

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It could be more than a month for a Dominican Republic/Russian spy posing as a gardener to find the bathroom if they only move their bowels once a day and use a different bathroom every time. That is like being in Cheyenne Mountain in terms of probability of finding secrets.

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willing to bet it is much easier to walk around Mar-A-Lago without suspicion and doing whatever you want than it is to be rifling through Bidens garage. like one of those places they sell memberships to.

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