Junior is asking Tommie if he has any idea what those things behind us are

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The "mortification of the flesh" is an element of most Christian philosophy. Since all sin is the result of carnal desire one achieves holiness only by denying the flesh any pleasures. Paul was one of the first to prescribe it.. Devotees are encouraged to engage in prolonged fasting and even to inflict pain upon themselves by various means including self torture devices. Sounds nutty i know and I always wondered if it worked for masochists since they enjoy pain, which would make the effort sort of counter productive.

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Sure, he's a former footbaw coach, but in Alabama I'd have predicted that the hatred that Alabama fans have for Auburn would have made him a nonviable candidate.

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If I were running a campaign against Tuberville, I would call him “stupid” at every opportunity. I would quiz him, in public, about basic American history, civics, and say out loud “look at this dumb hick, this is why your government is failing you.”

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I'm assuming that, as a football coach, the junior senator from the gret stet of Whalabama never had to actually teach a class. Unlike his high school counterparts. So no, he likely has no idea what it takes to get a teaching certificate.

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B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but decorum and civility!

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I didn't hear the interviewer propose this agreement. Maybe I had water in my ear.

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Please excuse the stereotyping, but I've never met a football coach in public or private schools who was not a solid gold asshole.

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Well, hey, it's all perfectly logical and reasonable. You simply cut funds to education or gubmint or anything that might serve the public at large until it's spread too thin to function and then pronounce it a failure. It's worked for Repuglicans for my entire life (and it's been a purty long one).

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Who's viamolating Tommie's snivel rights? Hey, Tommie, nobody's treading on you, sweety.

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I have to agree with Evan on this, Tuberville has supplanted Ronald Harold Johnson (really? Ronald Harold?) as the stupidest sumbitch in congress. He was also better off during the pandemic covering that crooked dick he has for a nose with a mask.

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Tuberville and Don Jr., two learned intellectuals sharing their love of wisdom by thoughtfully discussing complicated sociopolitical topics and philosophy over snifters of brandy. Or, two dumb fuckers making armpit farts about things they don’t like.

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Decorum and civility went out the window with the birth of the basket of deplorables.

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Nah, he just sat on his ass and made millions from the Great 'Bama Church of 'College' Football.

Ironically, in a state with one of the most atrocious educational records.

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That was me, too! 99th percentile in everything because I read at a natural speed of more than 1,600 wpm. Read the test. read it again, think about it, and read it and answer questions again.

Nowadays I understand that once you answer a question on line you cannot go back to it again. That would have stifled me a bit.

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The whole "shiftless" run was genius, Dok, as always

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