Who gives a shit about that Tuberville nut case?

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"Left-wing mobs..." OOOOOO scary. What'll they do, make you join them for brunch?

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Ummmmmm.......Bluffdale Utah is in the very heart of Mormonville Utah........it wasn't THAT long ago, people like Tommie Tuberville-R AL/FL, were calling Mormonism a cult.......just sayin'.......

Vanderbilt 14-13 Auburn...........

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They're not in a cult if they're potential constituents!

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Um, about that left-wing mobs creating chaos across the country to get Joe Biden reelected? That was me. I accidently left my Antifa Playbook on the bus. I told Soros about it right away, but he said, "Relax. It's not a problem. Republicans can't read."

Oh. My. God. That means we have a mole in our midst. Someone who's reading things for the Republicans.

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Why the fuck would I need to "stand up for God". For a deity he seems pretty lame, I don't see any miracles happening that would make me wonder about the path I'm on. Most Xtians call out "miracles" when a whole town gets wiped out and a baby survives in the rubble.

What about the whole town getting smashed and two score people dead? A miracle is when the EF5 tornado is barreling down on Smallsville and all the people fall to their knees praying and just when it hits the town limits it turns into a pink cloud with rainbows and a light breeze that smells of roses.

That would be a miracle.

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"...a pink cloud with rainbows and a light breeze that smells of roses."

And once again, teh LGBTQ stands between them and their God.

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The Satanic panic renaissance would be funny except actual people's lives are destroyed.

I can not to this day believe a jury convicted someone of murdering a horse in a house without getting a spot of blood on the carpet. It was surreal. I was a kid and I knew that was fucking impossible.

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Ta, Robyn. Tuberville would need to gain IQ points to qualify as an imbecile.

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I'm proposing a new bill call the Tough On Satanic Crime Act. The Act specifies

a)If a large corporation (annual revenue of at least $1 billion) violates worker-safety or environmental regulations, the government shall seize and liquidate 100% of assets held by the company, the CEO, and the board of directors. If you're trying to destroy the environment you're probably in a death cult.

b)Any corporation who has a contract of at least $1,000,000 with a prison shall be criminally liable for any crimes committed in the prison, either by prisoners or employees.

c)Churches must follow the same rules as other non-profit organizations in order to be eligible for tax exemptions, including fully disclosing their finances and only getting revenue from methods tax-exempt organizations are allowed to use. This is relevant to Satanic Crime because churches frequently promote The Bible, a book that makes Satan sound cooler than the other characters.

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sad but have to report, the adrenochrome isn't working on me . . . i rubs it in every night, but nothing . . . does anyone out there have any suggestions?

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DeMoN sPeRm!!

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Shit,...you're "rubbing it in"???

There's your problem, right there....you have to shoot it under your tongue...

that's why Biden stutters....

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

"Tuberville said the 2024 election wasn’t Republican vs. Democrat but “anti-American vs. American.”"

When Republicans accidentally say something true.

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like everything else, true but backward, as if they can't see past the mirror they hold up to bask in their own righteousness.

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or Projection...?

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Just a retread of the same old bullshit right wing reactionaries have tried to foist on us since roughly since this country was founded.

I wish we could beat these fucks back once and for all.

They need to come correct that NO ONE (let me repeat myself) NO ONE is obligated to adopt their religious views.

And not doing so doesn't make ANY of us "unAmerican."

Fuck them and the sniveling horses they rode in on.

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The same guys that banned Christmas complain about the 'War on Christmas'. Why? Couldn't you fucks follow through?

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Same bullshit, almost EXACT! as Rachel Maddow covers in her "Prologue" book about the late 30s right before our entrance into WWII.

If they could do so, they would happily murder us all. It's getting ridiculous.

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Florida Tommy can go kick rocks. In his haste to wank to the Second Amendment, he clearly skipped over the first two clauses of the First Amendment.

What a clown. And as a coach, he was so incompetent that he managed to lose to Vanderbilt. I mean seriously! VANDERBILT!!

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His team played Gloria Vanderbilt?

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She beat them playing backwards and in heels.

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He'd never fit into any of her jeans... just sayin'...

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Isn't the upside-down Constitution proof that the GOP is an anti-American cult?

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It's a coded cry for help.

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If nobody goes to jail anymore, then who are all these women I keep talking to in Missouri jails and prisons???? Are they figments of my imagination? I was in jail myself 2-1/2 years ago, and I can assure you that the jail was full of real, live human beings, most of whom were there on drug or probation/parole violation charges. They definitely wouldn't go to the Jefferson County, MO Jail by choice.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18


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