Does it have a vibrating tip? For, uh, "massage"?

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<i>"Vibriam Dildonis!"</i>

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I'm thinking a visit from Castiel would top things off nicely.

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mixing LOTR and HP is like mixing wand streams. wonkette is going to turn into some weird red - green neon pathway while lily potter's disembodied head tells us we have the strength to implement obamacare.

actually that sounds kinda cool.

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This guy is Sarah Palin's kinda Catholic. HA HA. JK. He's also too liberal.

<i>"some in the Church still use [exorcism] to cast out demons from people"</i> Dubya is still possessed by Dick Cheney. Get hoppin'!

The Bishop should keep in mind the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board.

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It's not exactly an exorcism, but I heard if you mix Bishop Paprocki and Coke, he explodes. I think there's a YouTube video about it.

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<i>exorcism in reparation for the sin of same-sex marriage.</i>

So does this mean that after he performs his little "exorcism", the same-sex marriage bill will be all holy and blessed by the Catholic church?

Why, yes. I think it does.

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I have feeling that this exorcism will involve young altar boys…. lots of young naked altar boys.

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I hope he uses his immense powers to make it rain on outdoor gay weddings because watching two rain-soaked babes is sexy hawt.

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Nickelback? Do you *want* to be hauled to The Hague for war crimes charges?

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I would attend the exorcism but I'm still waiting for my own copy of the gay agenda. PDF is fine.

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<i>the devil can appear “in various forms of opposition to and persecution of the church,”</i>

Whaddaya got to put an end to all your obscene kid-fucking? Oh, that's right, NOTHING!

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