Knowing how VERY difficult it is for people with real disabilities to get SSDI-take a look here at your own wonker community's stories - I find it difficult to believe that a great number of fraudulent claims get through. So I say if assistance keeps being available to those in need I don't care if some frauds get through. They have to live with their shameful selves.

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I work with people in need, some of whom are permanently disabled. Fortunately, it's NY.

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No one is living the good life on the gov food stamps and disability checks. The benefits are nothing to brag about. But Stupid trumpanzees still like to claim that someone is eating candy bars and steaks on their dime. They dont realize that you cannot live the good life off gov dole..Programs have been cut cut cut. People are just barley hanging on. But them red hatted morons think the brown and black people are living it up on gov freebies. Red hatted Trumpys are the stupidest dredge of fuk faced clowns to ever sit in a trailer park recliner. Trumpysrdumber n brown bag of shit.

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Some of them even diagnose bone spurs, sign letters Trump dictated saying he's a physical Adonis, or simply write no-questions-asked Adderall prescriptions. Allegedly.

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It's the cruelty, dammit.

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I don't know if this is any help, but a friend has pain from sitting too long. He gets around on a Segway. Finally, a practical use for them!The medicinal marijuana also helps.

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Some were my lifelong friends. I never knew they were racist until they told me they were trump supporters. Then I had to reflect my friendship with them that I have had over the many years. I was wondering how I missed it, I couldn't see them being racist and I never thought of them as being blatantly stupid, but trying to reason with Trumpanzees over Trump proved to me one thing you cant fight stupid you have to destroy it from the top down.

They(trumpanzees) love Trump for what ever lame reason they chose but facts is not their friend and now neither am I. I find Trump supporters to be intolerable,deplorable and despicable, they deny all reason and sanity and tell me he is the bestest ever but they cant really tell me why, they are not rich and some of them actually do live in a Trumpbilly trailer park and yes they get rent assistance and food stamps and SSI and SSA and medicare and Medicaid..YEP figure that one out I because I cant....

I can say I know so and so but I cant say he is my friend anymore because he is not, we have nothing in common and I cannot compete with stupid nor will I try.

At least Trump brought these dredglings out of the shadows and the closets and moms basement and exposed them for all to see. They will never be able to live it down because all cults die and Trumps cult is already dying. They will forever be known as trumpanzees and that makes them stupid and racist and definitely deplorable. They define that word like no other.

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Yelling socialism is the binding fiber for these red hatted morons. Thats their battle cry to arms. Thats the ism they don t like but they love fascism. Figure that one out eh.

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I just have to suck it up, find my words, and do what feels like begging. Once I get past THAT aspect, I'll do just fine.

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Well you DO have to have a condition which requires a stupidly expensive drug...plus you have to live in Utah. So not sure it’s overall a good thing.

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How do they feel about cannibalism? Mormonism? Existentialism? Polytheism?!?

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They are always open to suggestions lol. Depends on who is pushing the agendas and if they add in Freedom an love of Jeebus poof they can sell more hats and get lots of new members. Them fukfaced frowny clowns love a goddamn gathering and cudos if there is BBQ n beer..

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Medicaid fraud? Rick Scott on line one..

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We should adopt the NRA slippery slope argument, that it's only going to hurt law-abiding disability recipients because the malingerers will always find a way to game the system.

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It's $200 million total over the 10 years ($2 billion - $1.8 billion in new spending), which brings it to $20 million per year (if I'm reading it correctly)

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