Yes, FrankenTrump has now descended deep into the abyss of insanity. One could almost feel sorry for him, if he weren't still so dangerous...

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He can't shut up. He just can't.

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Why do they tell you plastic shopping bags should not be used as toys? Or not to eat the little dessicant packets inside a pill bottle? Why are they stopping us from sticking forks into light sockets?? It's all a big Scam!!1!

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Its common knowledge that until they specifically make a law barring something, its okay to do. That's why I routinely throw dog poop at my trump loving neighbor's house. There is no specific law that says I can't do that.

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"The only reason this change is being promulgated is to reform The Electoral Count Act so that the VP cannot do what they powerfully said he couldn’t do, but if it couldn’t be done, why are they making this law change?"

It hurts to try to understand what he thinks he is trying to say.

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InFraudStructure Week.


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"This is unbelievable!

"Simply put, it is the vice president did have a choice, and looking back at it now, the 2020 Voting Fraud was far greater than anyone thought possible, even with our Government, through the FBI changing the results of the Election by million and millions of votes."

Take it from me, you do not want to piss off the FBI. tRump is accusing the FBI of changing votes. He's totally lost it this time.

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The FBI changed the results of the presidential election? By ... millions and millions of votes? And nobody except very stable genius Trump noticed it? And it couldn't be proved?That FBI is some kind of pernicious organization.I doubt it could have done that even when Hoover was in the saddle.

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The only way the budget can be balanced is by massive cuts to the military budget. Repealing all the tax-cuts for the rich, by itself, would be insufficient.

So try telling *that* to your basic R voter ...

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I don't know what his first language is but it's not English

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Some essayist says he speaks "Jerkish."

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They're not so much "changing" the law, as re-stating a particular aspect of it in words of one syllable. Like it's illegal to drive in a dangerous manner, but we still have to have specific laws against texting while driving, because some people are just that stupid.

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I think Trump pissed off the FBI a loooooooong time ago. He's basically just plummeting down the mountainside at this point.

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Why bother? Even if you can parse it to understand what he meant, it's a lie. Seriously, when did he last make a public statement that was (a) coherent and (b) true? There is literally no point in trying to work out what he means to say, he's less coherent than Qdrops at this point and has nothing of value to say anyway.

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Are there no spare rooms in MAL that can be converted into a padded fucking cell?

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Famous Chinese ink painting.

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