<< This registered Democrat and accidental Florida resident heartily agrees.

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You forgot "homeless drug users".

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Well said, Michelle!

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What veterans are you polling? I'm a Viet Nam era vet and I honestly don't know anyone who supposts those two pricks.

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Just like Lyndon LaRouche.

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And she wanted to rip out the veg garden Mrs. Obama had planted, and totally fuck up the Rose Garden for good measure. Let us draw the curtain of charity over her bleedin' Christmas trees/decorations. She got photographed plenty of times doing that abomination.

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the follow up should have been something like "could you describe what you mean by leftism, governor?"

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They were great.

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Anybody who doesn't like him

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we know that but it would have been nice to see him either admit it or waffle on the TeeVee

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One would think that if your spouse is leading a crusade against queer Americans, you shouldn't expect much affection from the fashion industry.

You are suggesting that the DeSnotties think. That's where the whole argument falls apart.

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If some random white man wondered onto your lawn and started spouting this exact same shit, you'd call the cops cuz they're clearly a danger to themselves and others.

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“If she were a Democrat, she’d be on every fashion magazine," DeSantis said, truly addressing the issues that are important to normal Americans. "They would be making her out to be the biggest deal. But because we’re conservative, we know that that’s not what happens. In reality, it will be the opposite, where they try to really attack."

Lady Malbec

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I strongly suspect she is the brain and driving force behind DS' political ambitions. Those outfits with capes are a blatant tell.

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McCarthy trying to get rid of the left in the 1950s. Hey, how did that work out?

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Because kindness, unity and humane policy does nothing to generate wingnut rage or votes. You must (speaking with a German accent) crush your enemies to death and make new tax-free roads with their bones! Guns! Whiteness! Masculine Anger! Ya! Wunderbar!

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