It is rather a waste of good whiskey. I'm told you can even use Canadian in your coffee.

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Points for the Sting ref, Dok.

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Sounds like a one burrito gig, to me.

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with PharmaBro's chin!

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good whiskey is meant to be tasted, cheap whiskey is meant to be mixed.

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Clearly the point wasn't just to sow havoc, but to give Trump an excuse to go after all progressive groups, as he would say, BIG TIME. He could then start all that "put 'em in camps" horseshit that was being planned back in the Nixon days.

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I am deeply offended. The notion you'd have to PAY me...

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OMG. Che Guevara and James Carville had a baby.

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So now the little creep is inciting to riot. Why are Republicans allowed to commit crimes without being prosecuted? This is really the only question that matters in politics now. What crimes are the idiots going to get away with next?

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I think that's pronounced AG Secessions.

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Relying on agents provocateurs upon taking power. Gee, that seems somehow familiar...

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Sort of like put them in opposing uniforms and send them over the border sort of familiar?

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Branding is the new (and only) reality although it wouldn't have hurt the branding process to acknowledge that its Formby's and Jack since those are both recognizable brands.

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OK, if he covers my plane fare, he's gotta deal . . .

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Take the moneys, then go burn one down! and by burn one down, i mean smoke all the doobies. bring snacks.

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