♫ Hold me closer Tiny GangsterCount the headlights on the highway...

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and that ladies and gentlemen is Donald Trump being philosophical. He thinks he is being very deep and so do his drooling fans. The rest of the world thinks he's insane.

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But then he would have to ask Barron to help him, since he knows his way around the cyber. And The Duhnald never asks anyone for help, that would imply weakness or ignorance, and The Duhnald will be the first to tell you he is bigly not weak and a real stable genius.

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Shatner Libelz!

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First it was that cross-shaped cake Reagan sent to the Iranians, and now this. And then handing our own asss to the Russians since 2000. It's like the GOP doesn't know how to do diplomacy, or something.

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I don't recall how I ran across it, but once I did, I was hooked. I love that its very true to the feel of the original, yet re-imagined in a way that's thoroughly of the moment.

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That quote...It reads like something you would make up if you wanted to be totally unbelievable."I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records."It sounds like he doesn't understand the context, I mean, it kind of starts out sounding like he just hates Elton John's music so he breaks it, but then he goes on to prove he doesn't understand what a vinyl record is - also, he is an idiot."I don't have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ."Calling Dr. Freud... Dr. Freud, we have a slip for you."They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don't need it. We have people in that space. "Is he back into crowd measurement again?!? I guess, since he has no organ, it's the only thing he has to measure.

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So the NK Regime told Pompeo to go pound sand. Seems like they knew that the Dumpster is an incompetent buffoon pretending to be a politician.

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Animals was the first Pink Floyd album I ever owned. I never lost my love for it.

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New to me, thanks. Weird wild stuff.

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Deliberate cruelty, or did he forget where the hat came from between starting and finishing his 'signature'?

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You kinda did. It's okay, though.

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OT but I have been really into the trance remixes of Animals & Wish You Were Here on youtube lately.

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I'm actually surprised that he didn't send over Shatner's version. If he had, of course, we'd already be at war.

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Reminds me of Bonehead from Gourmet Records...https://youtu.be/kYs8He0kK-U

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