Now that it's after the election, we have our answer. LOL

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A. I love the graphic because it's so accurately emblematic of the way he is.

B. I like the way Wonkette has their Amazon ad--simple and to the point...Click this to support our work. I'll do just that the next time I purchase something from them.

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Lara, the rural parts of western NY remind me a lot of the deep south; the poverty and backwardness are so disturbing I can't wait to get back home after even a day there. I'm glad you're protected from it, but having to keep fighting for decent representation must be exhausting. if you ever get fed up, come to Massachusetts; we have a smart government, we're your kind of people, and we'd love to have you.

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I visit upstate to hike whenever I can. I have other friends who live in blue dots on a very red background, and I feel for ALL of you. Health and peace.

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Or Jeff's replacement?

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The judges will also accept Natty Light in a can. Bonus points for ashes around opening.

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Needz moar Bud Lite in a can.Wine is for intelexshuals and homosexhuals, but I repeat myself.

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Yeah, I rolled my eyes at that one a little. Although I think the standards may be different for people who aren't Drumpf.

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I live at junk food central. Within 2 blocks are the best hot dog stand in Chicago, 2 pizza, 2 Mexican, 1 Chinese, 1 Thai, Subway, IHOP, Dunkin, and a MacDonald's, not to mention CVS and Walgreen's, plus 2 separate dollar stores. Sadly, the DQ closed a couple years ago. I confess I have driven to the Dunkin (a 1 minute walk--takes longer to get the car out and park). The hot dog stand, however, is a half block, and the parking lot is weirdy inaccessible from my house (lots of turns across traffic.)

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Did *any*one read the article? Covered!

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Saturday, when I went to vote at my neighborhood library I stood in the longest line ever.Actually the voting took place in the community center attached to the libraryIt was quiet as a tomb.I'm a loud mouth. I rhetorically asked whether we were voting or attending a wake.I got a lot of laughs. Suddenly conversation started.I used this opportunity to say aloud that rick scott had appointed all 6 of the state supreme court justices on the ballot and this was our opportunity to undo some of the damage done to Florida by Scott.It didn't surprise me in the least that no one in ear shot knew this. Many people asked me how I knew this. I said I have one word for you, Google. A poll worker told me I wasn't allowed to discuss politics out loud while waiting to vote.This made many people LOL.I hope I helped sway a few votes.

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"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." (Frank Zappa)

Words to live by right now, and I hope we can get there after today bc, as I think most would agree, what's become the norm these days is despicable, and unbearable.

And I dont mean any political party's norm; I mean the discourse amongst WE, the People. It is our country, afterall...And today, more than most days, WE get the chance to prove that.

So, here's hoping WE all get out there today and do our thing. 🗳 🇺🇸

Here's also hoping (& sending out major vibes n good joo-joo to the Universe) ✨ 🌌 that the results of today's elections will open some minds & hearts, and change the course of our discourse!

Perhaps WE will even have the kind of outcome where folks feel compelled to stop for a moment and consider why so many of their neighbors / friends / colleagues / fellow-whatever voted a different way.

- After all, they can't all be lazy, spoiled, pseudo-intellectuals who regurgitate altered facts gleaned from biased media sources or left-leaning social media basement dwellers, and whose rage has blinded them to the value of independent research, consideration of one's source, and decency & patience in the treatment of others; They're all just a bunch of coddled, inappropriately- or under-educated crybabies who should be sent to their quiet places or back into the closet, while we adults take care of the real problems on the planet, as only we can and should define them.

- Likewise, they can't all be ignorant, racist, sexist, evangelical, anti-semitic, dumb-*ss rich or red-neck nazi bots who must be silenced (regardless the manner / method / collateral cost involved); It's everyone's moral duty and a basic human or US right to stop such evil people since they are conspiring (or enabling conspirators) to harm others while seeking to turn the US into some kind of all-white patriarchy / dictatorship / corporate oligarchy. (And if it's not in the Constitution or Bill of rights to silence that, it should be!)

When ya look at it this way, both characterizations seem ridiculous, no? 🤯🤭😱🤬🤢Yet, it seems like these days, the norm is that WE often act out or encounter such in our political discourse.

Truly, I hope WE remember that WE ARE WE after today; and stop the hate, hyperbole and censorship from all sides. Whatever the outcome, I hope 🙏🏽 that WE can start to reach out to eachother for more humane discourse and work together for true progress on ALL issues. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🇺🇸👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

After all, "The shell must break before the bird can fly.” (Alfred, Lord Tennyson) That's what WE and our big, bold beautiful Eagle 🦅 need now. (Well, that and a hug, too)

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I walk doggers at the pound, and spit out a question to a fellow volunteer....”Did you vote?” “Yes, I did,” said she.

I will vote tomorrow in an out-in-the-boonies location with my neighbors...for Sinema, for one. I’ll vote for non-confirmation on a couple of state Supreme Court incumbents who kept a progressive education initiative off the ballot, and I will vote no on an initiative which will funnel money into education vouchers for private and home schools. I will so up vote an initiative to push forward support for green energy in a state that has more sustained sunshine than any other state in the country....

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Of course I’m a good voter Evan! I was told if I don’t vote, I can’t complain. Fuck that! I even vote for class president and I’m 45. Nobody is taking my right to complain!!!

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