Ouch. Deadhead slander.

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Perhaps they are actually in the 2nd circle of hell...

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I know you meant escalator but then again...I kinda wish PAB woulda waddled down an elevator shaft. It'da saved us a fuckton of fuckups.

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That is a damn curious situation. The Trumpy neighbor has been brainwashed by the stupid screen* and her kid don't believe any athe shit it spews.

* Is it now the "stupid screen" (?) because it ain't been a boob tube or an idiot box for a good generation now and I dunno who to dial for this kinda info anymore.

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Maybe if they were down wind?

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Gee, did you know San Francisco and Hollywood are different places?

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I wanted to say that's not shawarma, that's doner kebab but then I looked into it and the differences are trivial. Doner kebab is Turkish, the Greeks call their version gyros, and the rest of the mediterranean and the middle-east call it shawarma. But it is basically the same thing just with slightly different ingredients and flavours.

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'Pussy-Ass Bitch.' I misremember which lady called him that, and in public too, but it's caught on.

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"Chump discusses Biden's cognitive decline" - was that before or after the confused NATO with NAFTA? And Sheer InSannity is either too dumb or too much of a suck up to correct him.

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Probably because Chump cut one loose after downing three Big Macs.

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...plausible deniability?

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It's very very sad that between 15 and 18 thousand people still attend his rallies, even if they do start leaving after half an hour these days. I mean, they know ahead of time the kind of drivelling drooling self-pitying garbage they are going to hear non-stop, and that it won't even be grammatical garbage delivered with energy. They still go.

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OY! So many struggles for the Great Man. just, OY.

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He didn't waddle down an elevator, he glided down the guilded escalator to ruin the world 🌍.

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