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I completely believe that they have the right to stay in 1950 just like the Amish stay in 1850 or thereabouts. The trick is that, like the Amish, they have to be able to make those communities self-sustaining, and not go around screaming in red-faced rage into TV cameras that the rest of us have to drive horses and buggies too so they don't feel left behind or unimportant.

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It boggles my mind how the pundits were all saying "oh, he had a great first 20 minutes, he stuck to the issues, blah blah blah".... In what world is talking like a toddler with a stroke, a GREAT performance?!?!?!?!

He literally never makes sense. I've tried to listen, but it's just word-garbage. It makes my brain hurt trying to decipher the gibberish, like staring at TV-snow to try and understand religion.

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Maybe she wanted der Trumpster to see those shiny lips and that big mouth. After all he is probably very familiar with that mouth!!!

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It's that attempt to be objective and not flatter HRC tooooo much.

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She deserves no sympathy, at all. She wasn't threatened with the extermination of her family if she didn't take that job, for chrissakes! She uses the same pre-age of reason logic as her employer when she says she must believe him because she has actually talked to him, but hasn't talked to his accusers, so he must be telling the truth and they must be lying. Fuck her and the whole fucking lot of them.

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Ah yes, Donald's personal Vietnam, the coke-fueled orgies he organized with "very young" wannabe models and old rich white men.

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English is supposedly his native tongue, the only language he "speaks" and yet he needs a translator.

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If he puts one down, it better not be Tiffany. Apparently, she doesn't even like regular contact with him.

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Well, she ain't getting paid, so I guess she should just take what she can get.

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Also, too, Trump has a problem remembering that NAFTA was signed by George H. W. Bush.

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Could barely withdraw your flask? There's your problem. The only way to get through this election is with an alcohol IV.

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Wouldn't you of you had her job?

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Yeah, maybe Kellyanne could,1) Tell Megyn Kelly that she is bleeding from her wherever,2) say to Carly Fiorina, who would vote for that, I mean look at that face3) etcetra etcetera etcetera.Just like you said, maybe Kellyanne could managersplain things like that after saying verbatim what Trump said to various people/groups.I doubt it though, the willing ignorance is too ingrained with Trump followers.

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I vote attention addict.

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