Apr 6·edited Apr 6


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He’s definitely gonna get that dough from a Russian oligarch

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"This has been a blog post about your good-for-nothing piece of shit deadbeat dad."

You knew him?

He was a felon, so we all grew up dirt poor cuz he couldn't find a job ever. Led me to commit a bunch of felonies when I was young, because many poor kids, even white ones like me, take up a life of crime after a hard childhood. I was angry and violent, liked kicking the shit out of people and was headed for a prison term myself. The one time I almost got caught the DA didn't prosecute because no one would testify against me.

Difference between me and my dad? I never got caught and then was able to reform myself (thanks LSD!) and changed my life. Now I'm a software engineer cuz even tho I was a fucked up kid I was always good at math.

The fruit don't fall far from the tree I guess. This one managed to pick itself and move away tho.

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Ta, Evan. The grift goes on.

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‘No documentary evidence’ supports Trump’s claim it is ‘impossible’ to secure bond for $464 million civil fraud penalty: NY Attorney General "Fan’s letter continued: “As far as the Court can infer, sureties may have refused to accept defendants’ specific holdings as collateral because using Mr. Trump’s real estate will generally need “a property appraisal’ … and his holdings are not nearly as valuable as defendants claim.” https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/no-documentary-evidence-supports-trumps-claim-it-is-impossible-to-secure-bond-for-464-million-civil-fraud-penalty-ny-attorney-general/?ICID=ref_fark

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You mean that incontinently inflating real estate values when convenient and then poor-mouthing them for tax purposes is NOT just a bit of a laugh, just part of the Monopoly game of life, and there can actually be real-life consequences for creative accounting practices? That people might come to distrust you when you're out hawking your magic beans?

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Such a mystery how this self-proclaimed multi-billionaire can't come up with a few hundred million.

Hope they start seizing his properties right away, but they'll probably have trouble selling those old, ugly, substandard, vermin infested, trash palaces.

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Vlad will bail him out. They want to win this election.

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Until we find that the actual owners are the people who lent him money. And are still owed that money. He's the cheapest bastard that ever lived.

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Lying and grifting is no way to go through life. But he did it cause he's so much smarter than everybody else. chocolate candy bar with caramel and peanuts

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"Fraud Ouroboros" would fit nicely within an ouroboros graphic on Trump's tombstone.

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We'll never see Trump's tombstone. He'll have to be buried in an undisclosed location to avoid vandalism.

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Look for a New Jersey rest stop with a new rest room after his demise. Especially if Chris Christie travels there frequently.

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I've been seeing that phrase and wondering where it came from. "Ouroboros" is apparently the snake eating its own tail symbol -- can someone fill me in on why it's suddenly so current? My inquiring mind wants to know!

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I have a vague idea it has something to do with recent events in the crypto world, but I have a strict policy against spending a single second learning about that.

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I think the reason people can't figure out Trump is that he isn't a business man or politician or Mob boss or billionaire he is a performer. He has several schticks, one for his rallies, one for his interviews and so forth. He tries to be funny, then threatening and then bombastic. He has tried his schticks in various endeavors and always fails. But he finally found a willing audience desperate in their need for a leader to tell them that they know the truth and their prejudices were right along. Unfortunately fame became a white hot spot light on his life of cheap crimes. If he would have stayed in Queens fucking over contractors and dodging his bills he would have been fine.

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That's very perceptive. The Irish critic Fintan O'Toole had a piece in the New York Review of Books saying that Trump's schtick has a lot in common with comedy -- unfunny to us, of course, but his core audience eats it up.

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As I watched Trump over the years it seemed to that his public appearances are his version of stand-up. As you said only the true believers get the jokes. Problem is that too many don't understand his performance and think it is command to take action or a threat. But he knows that and uses which misperception is to his advantage.

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Yes. He is a tawdry, small-minded man who ended up playing on a world-historical stage. The results haven't been pretty.

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Also a problem in the buy back scenario, upstream.

If a buyer has an inkling that the Supreme Court is going to reverse all of this and return every property to trump, what will someone pay for a property that suddenly is handed back to trump?

The new owner would have clear title to any real estate, so the Supreme Court would be stepping in and saying: "your title is void, it belongs to trump."

What's the jilted buyers recourse: sue. Sue who? The State of NY. How long is that going to take? A couple of years, so anyone has to factor in they part with their millions, and may have to wait years to get that back. Any interest being sued for? Any lost opportunity?

Considering property investment of say $100,000,000. Your choice: get a farm field on the outskirts of a growing area and build 200 houses, return 20% in two years, or buy a trump building, spend $17,000,000 in court costs, and get make no return.

Buyers will want bargain basement prices for assuming that much risk. I'd guess 25c on the dollar, from a legitimate appraisal.

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And that's assuming the properties aren't leveraged to the hilt, with lenders already in line to get paid.

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Have his rugrats paid their share yet?

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Oh that's rich. Paid their share? It gets funnier the more I think about it.

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Among others, PAB tried getting a loan from Scrooge McDuck and Smaug of Dale.

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They're both clearly too classy to do business with him!

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Is that the same Scrooge McDuck that used to run late-night car ads in the the Pittsville/Doomtown/Tricolor area?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

“… it will have a chilling effect on people who do business in New York”

Because the last thing our country can afford is to inconvenience profiteers. 🙄

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He fucking developed the NYC skyline.


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Great Assets at Fire Sale prices, you might say.

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Well, if lifelong scammers, grifters, deadbeats, dodgers & cheats are looking over their shoulders, America should be sleeping more soundly tonight right, you BAB?

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Don't the "bedrock principals" work at the schools that Pebbles and BamBam go to?

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It's a place right out of history.

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I’d love to put some of his trashy shit on my local Facebook buy nothing page.

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I’m still waiting for the rug to get pulled out from underneath us.

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I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, unless Dad's too drunk to take it off.

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I'm waiting for the chickens to come home to roost.

They have a coop.

They organized it to combine their purchasing power and get good deals on their feed.

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There is power in a collective.

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