
That's right, Donnie, you've got them just where you want them, and this whole "make him take responsibility for his criminal acts" will only work to vindicate him in the end. So what if they've got witnesses and documents and what not? DON'T THEY KNOW WHO HE IS???

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An outstanding piece of writing!


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Trump's continuous whining is beginning to affect me like the man who collapses in the automatic sliding door of a 7-11. It's really terrible at first but soon settles into a rhythmic dull repeated slamming that is more deadening than painful. And you can't get up.

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No tears.

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Ask Bobby Seale about the history of gag orders.

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He is well known for presenting towers of paper (“my tax returns”, look how complicated they are) - and almost all of the paper is blank. I would not doubt that he has 3 or 4 articles printed multiple times to make it look like a mountain of (fake) evidence.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

When I went with the Offspring to her college orientation for a week (was cool, we lived in a dorm and everything), the kids would do their thing and the parents would attend sessions tailored for them on how to adapt to their children leaving home, how they were now adults, yada, yada

Well, one topic was how not to move house and NOT tell the kid so that when they came home for winter break, there would be no family home where it once was. IOW, move and leave no forwarding address. I mean, who does that? [Side note: the Offspring told me that she heard of such a thing actually happening.]

Anyway, your comment about the Yam’s family selling the house and leaving him tied to a post, barking, put me in mind of that.

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Syphilis is not really bothered PROVIDING he stays in the spotlight . Take the cameras away ————————- HUGE TANTRUMS .

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Tiffany has been the invisible Trump spawn, or at least she's completely stayed off of my radar. I wonder if she's going to be her generation's Mary Trump and start airing dirty laundry once she's independent, or if she's just going to marry into money, change her last name and try to continue to stay as far under the radar as possible?

ETA: Okay, got curious and did a little googling, and read a People article on her. So, she's already married and keeping the Trump name, so there's one of my speculations gone. Also, she apparently did a lot of campaigning for him in the 2016 run, so I was also wrong about her being invisible. They said she did less campaigning in 2020, and I don't know what she's doing during the current campaign. And after dabbling in entertainment and fashion, she apparently settled on law as a career, but sadly for her dad, not criminal law, so no help to dear old dad there. She claims to have a close relationship with her half-siblings and dad, so I guess we won't be seeing a tell-all book any time soon from her, either. Plus she's stayed on the opposite side of the country from them, so I guess there's only so much she could tell in the first place.

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i think somewhere in here is a reference to 'i'm just ken'.

or maybe i've had too much red wine.

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"Nothing but this stack of articles to keep him company."


...And this thermos... And this chair...

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Wow, Evan, this is one stunning piece of writing! This bit killed me:

"He does this in the morning before the trial. He does it afterward. Jesse Watters says Trump is too old for this, and he’s right. Too old. Too lonely. Too rejected. His family sold the house and left him there tied to a post, barking."

Chef's kiss!!

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That last sentence was poetry.

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He's the one who decided a long time ago that there was no rules for him. And spent 60 years just shoving others around or aside to get anything he wanted without a thought for legality or decency.

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how many times does one need to go to a cold place and whine about it yet still do nothing to mitigate it?

buy some long underwear? thicker coat? sweater vest? lots of options here. endlessly whining about it does nothing.

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Hopefully, that "Lived" part is almost over.

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Your choice of words to describe the child in the room made my day.... perfect descriptions of the slug and members of his crime syndicate...

Cheers 😎👈

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