I will still never truly understand how Guliani got involved in this, no matter what I think of the dude. Dude absolutely knew better and yet...

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Getting called "America's Mayor" over and over again, just because he had the dumb luck of 9/11 happening in his city, apparently went to his head

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She and Rudi are the latest to find themselves under the bus ! Incredibly short sighted on their part ; apparently dump's people think they will be the “exception “ to the rule .

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Donald Trrump's response on Truly Sociopath: "Praise the Lord, and pass the ketchup."

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Too stupid to be incompetent.

Man, that's going straight onto my CV.

Fuck Ted Cruz.

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Too stupid to be incompetent.

Man, that's going straight onto my CV.

Fuck Ted Cruz.

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While I appreciate that the rubes are funding Jenna's law defense and not viable Repube election candidates (lol), isn't setting money on fire a better use for it?

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I believe Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira just fired the PAC lawyers in order to testify against trump.

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"where she is best remembered toddling along behind Rudy Giuliani as he stumbled and farted his way through the swing states trying to steal electors for Donald Trump." Can't forget the 10W-40 weight oil leaking from his...real hair coloring?

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"...a principle bigger than just one man..." This whole "man" thing-- are we talkin' bout Trump?? This might be thrown outta court so quick it'll make yer head spin.

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'wine mom font': spit take (with red wine...)

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"...friend???" Yeah, I don't think so.

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Jesus thinks you’re a jerk, Jenna.

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It’s all in the “Lord’s” hands, Jenna. Good luck with that.

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Cool!! No more edits for you, plebes. Comin' this close.

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So everybody that comes up against you is "criminalizing the practice of law??"

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It's Jenna who is criminalizing the practice of law by committing crimes under cover of a law license. But we all know that.

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