"But the actual 1876 impeachment of a secretary of state war who had resigned his office is shrugged off because the Senate failed to convict and that means that the trial never happened, right?"

Tedious, but enlightening: https://www.govinfo.gov/con...

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They don't care about history. They have their own version of it, and will do anything to keep it. The republican victim complex is their truth. Their drug. Their reality. To them, anyone who they've wronged, anyone who makes them feel bad about things they've done, has to be a child murdering Satan worshiper, because otherwise they'd have to feel bad about the things they've done. They are utterly averse to conscience or consequence.

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So since they don't have facts or the law, they're pounding the table. Stertoriously, with extreme loquaciousness and with the verbal tic of "Democrat" the noun substituted for "Democratic" the adjective because "stupid" the adjective can be substituted for "stupidity" the noun in the phrase "I can't believe the stupid that is their argument."

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You can't do it right if you have all your fingers.

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Very telling that the what aboutisms are directed mainly towards Women/POC. The racism is so lazy.

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"Trump Derangement Syndrome." Ya know, that phrase isn't actually a thing. "Bush Derangement Syndrome" was kind of a thing. Bad as he was, some of my fellow lefties had a tendency to blame him for everything, sometimes even things that hadn't even happened. "Obama Derangement Syndrome" was also a thing, likewise full of excessive obsession and imaginary crimes (Jade Helm, anyone?).

"Trump Derangement Syndrome?" Not so much. Whatever we imagined Trump might be up to, the reality was invariably worse. The only Derangement that exists belongs to Trump's batshit crazy supporters, a level of fact-free delusion so great that even neutral and foriegn observers worry that it's an existential threat to our Republic.

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each containing charges more outlandish than the next

I don't think this means what they think it means.

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I for one can't wait to see what joe biden does on his last week in office, it'll be just like that purge movie.

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Stick to the plan!

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When you've shown yourself to be incapable of not attacking you stop being able to make veiled defensive threats of reprisal because any such statement inherently becomes a statement of unbridled hostile intent.

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And she was drunk and naked when she did it...again. That Maxine!

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Mein Gott, its the old "if you can't convince them, confuse them" defense.

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"High Crimes and Misdemeanors" actually means that an impeachable offense need not be a crime at all. The phrase comes from English law regarding impeachments, and was adopted specifically to extend the range of Impeachable offenses to non-criminal malfeasance as well as actual crimes.

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Siiiiiiggggghhh ...About that "fevered hatred."Donald J. Trump is hated because he is hateful. He's loathed because he is loathsome. People keep impeaching him because he won't stop doing impeachable things.

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Trump has no First Amendment rights in this case. Incitement of insurrection and incitement of riot are not protected speech.

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He just likes the going backstage into the dressing rooms part.

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