Chris Matthews: "Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no as a principle?"

Candidate Drumpf: "The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment."

Matthews: "For the woman."

Drumpf: "Yeah, there has to be some form."

'Nuff said.

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I too also have no Facebook or Twitter account.

Long ago someone said, "If you don't know what the product is, it's you."

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*YUGE sigh.

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I can't resist. Please accept my apology ahead of time.

And women have done lots of things. Great things. Not a lot of people know that. Like Pocahontas. No, not that Pocahontas. There was a real Pocahontas. Did you know that? Lots of people don't know. Saved Jamestown. You know, the one in Virginia. Great woman, Pocahontas. Not like that other Pocahontas.

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Susan B. Anthony. Great woman. Tough woman. Not a lot of people know about her. Maybe we should honor her. Maybe with a coin or something.

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I could not fathom a woman having so little respect for herself that she could be a Trump voter until I was visiting a relative in central MO and overheard a Waffle House waitress explain to a group of truckers that (and no, I have no idea how this conversation started) the only slur she would be upset to be called was the "C" word - she didn't know exactly what it meant, but she knew it was "vulgar." You could call her a bitch, a whore, whatever else and she said she wouldn't mind....

I laughed for a second, but then became so so sad as it dawned on me *how many women* must feel this way about themselves for Trump to be elected. I felt sorry for this woman (unlike smart and educated yet evil women like KAC and Invanka). And I once again reminded myself how lucky I was to be born in a big liberal city to a strong and intelligent woman who made sure I was educated and knew my worth.

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Could trigger spontaneous menstruation. As in, body senses he is near, EJECT ALL REPRODUCTIVE MATERIAL NOW!!!!

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All the love, hugs and kudos to you and the strong women in your life.

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Ah, what a clever strategy to make sure the oblivious narcissist gets the standing ovation he wants without realizing what they really think of him. Remove all the chairs. ;-)

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For some reason, this reminds me of an old SNL skit with Eric Idle as Prince Charles pitching a book on how to pick up women.

"I am horribly inbred and have no discernible sense of humor. Yet how is it that I can attract beautiful women whenever I want? Now you can learn my secrets in this new book..."

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Hopefully we won't be having this conversation huddled over a trash can fire in a dilapidated back alley before the bread lines start to form up.

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You're not alone. Some of us refuse to drive any Web traffic that benefits that smarmy little shit Zuckerberg, regardless of how many fawning puff pieces he gets on NPR or cable news.

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But she doesn't get to be married to wonderful, multi-tasking Jared and get a swell job in the WH and get groped onstage allatime. Sad.

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Perhaps they migrate?

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He meant with votes.

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Well to be fair, what else could they come up with?

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