I think it's some kind of karmic revenge for his being so ugly on the inside.

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The same way Devin MOOnes took an Uber from the White House to - the White House?

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She lacks the . . . wherewithal . . . to pull off the look.

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Lincoln had very little concern for the plight of enslaved Africans. You can gather as much from his writings. He was an avowed White supremacist and openly stated such on many occasions In fairness about 98% of the population was at the time. Hardly anyone believed in racial equality in 1860 Lincoln's only concern was the preservation of the Union

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Trump and his minions represent the most serious threat to our government that has ever arisen. They are far worse than the Confederacy They seek to place all power in the Executive Branch making the Congress and the Judiciary rubber stamp agencies beholden to the whims and wishes of the Executive. If you haven't realized the seriousness of this threat you need to wake up

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If you pass the blue house, you haven't gone far enough.

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sorry if somebody mentioned this before, but weren't there supposed to be audio tapes of Trump and Comey way back in the long ago? And it turned out that all that shit was just made up?

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Another thing to remember about that Georgia election footage is that Ms. Freeman handed her daughter a ginger mint, and Rudy Giuliani claimed that it was a USB drive to steal votes for Biden. Alternatively, he suggested they were using drugs.

I don't see why they can't just show footage of the raid, claim it's something completely different, and the brain-dead Trump zealots will believe it.

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Are you talking about when Trump demanded complete loyalty from Comey?

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I believe so. The point I was trying to make was that Trump threatened/has threatened to release tapes of things before only it turned out he was making that shit up (about having them in the first place).

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I never heard that Trump or anyone had tapes of himself and Comey, so I can't really comment. I only know about the incident because Comey talked about it in interviews and I believe he put that same information in his book.

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I have been trying to tell this to my sister for months. She responds with comments like, "Who cares what Trump does? Who cares what Trump says?" She sees him as a harmless buffoon. A blowhard who says dumb stuff, but no kind of threat.

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I bought a few of these toilet brushes and gave them out as Christmas gifts.

They were a big hit.

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Would the video show anything clearly enough for it to be comprehensible to a viewer? Most CCTV footage I've seen doesn't have that kind of detail.

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These people are appalling. Just the worst, FFS.

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They are seriously trying to burn the whole thing down, and rule over the ashes.

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