Yes, and a medal that belonged to his Papa that is from a Hungarian Nazi group. He's IN our fucking White House! Along with drunken Nazi Bannon and Gollum Miller. This is hair-on-fire time for our country!

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Be sure to read your feature this Sunday, Nazi fuckboi.

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Nazi fuckboi lol. Let the hate flow through you

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Sweetie, darling you are beyond adorable. If we are idiots - what does that make someone coming to make fun of us? Surely there are better uses of your time - can I suggest macramé?

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I bet they do Hitler/Braun role play.

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Despite that, the 80s and the 70s were worse.

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And jogging behind a bus

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I wonder how Bret would respond to a post saying virtually the same thing about Omar Mateen or Syed Rizwan Farook.

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Here's Sebastian, primed for peaceful protest.https://radio.foxnews.com/w...

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Our pillow talk is the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.And I thought I was a freak... kinky back-rubs and shipping Warcraft characters is downright wholesome in comparison.

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Expert on Jihad... Yeah, right.

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Apologies for a nerd tangent, but a weird fantasy webcomic comes to mind. In that paradoxical pseudo-Buddhist setting, there's the concept of Royalty, a kind of enlightenment gained from knowing God's true name. But it's weird, because those who don't aspire for it achieve it with little effort, while those who clamor for it will never attain it.

I dunno why, these Alpha bros make me think of that. Like, the more you struggle for Alpha royalty, the further you get from it. And besides, I always thought titles like "Alpha" or "patriot" or "hero" are mantles others put on you, not something you can add yourself.

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Or Aldous Huxley.

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WTF is a "pajama boy" anyway, it sounds fun. I threw $25 at them, because fuck the Gorkas, they are literal Nazis. I hope they make 1,000% of their funding goal--more than they would have gotten in federal funds.

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Had NO idea who that was, so I googled. He sounds like he was pretty much not a Jackass. Exclusion accepted.

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Pajama boy is from some ad where some guy was in pajamas. So therefore it means that society is trying to turn men into wimps or something.No really, all it is.

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