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What are we supposed to do besides speak out, vote, and give money when possible?

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“These terrorists, er, patriots, are my favorite kind of people.” SIGNED,DJT

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I will never, ever understand how the Republicans sunk so low in the esteem of their own supporters that a low-rent carnival barker like Donald Fucking Trump handed their ballls to each and every one of them in the 2016 primaries.

Seriously. That rancid, decrepit, dementia-addled serial loser and adulterer ran the table and sent them all to the cleaners, and not only did they thank him and ask for more, they’re STILL seeking his favour and groveling to him because they were too stupid to stop him from stealing their most rabid supporters.

How they wake up every morning and feel nothing but disgrace and defeat I’ll never know.

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Less to do with the republican party, than the assholes who are members.

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“She was killed by a ruthless man that never should have used his gun to shoot her.”

Ruthless people don’t give several impassioned warnings to people before shooting them.

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"How they wake up every morning and feel nothing but disgrace and defeat I’ll never know."That wake-up morning may come this year....IF and only IF the pundits are wrong about the Mid-Terms and the GOP is wiped out of every swing state riding...

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Drumpf got to the top by pandering to the crazies the "reputable" Republicans had tried to minimize. He was just the spark in the powder keg.

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